You know what would be interesting is a parallel assessment of what is the underlying objective behind the Truman show skits happening in the world...all these actors driving the world in the direction foretold leading us to one world governance with a leader who is the Antichrist

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All a distraction under the big circus tent. Kept the sheep distracted while the real agendas roll fwd! UN agenda 21/30, WHO medical tyranny, digital ID, jab excess deaths and disability, etc!

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Yep 👍 it's like a page from the 3rd Reich playbook...they actually call it the 4th 'Industrial' Revolution. Yeah their revolution against the A&O. Soon they shall get a Revelation. Something about rocks fall on me

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The ugly step-daughter of Harris won't be drafted to die on the battlefield in some shithole country.

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Nor will any of the elite’s kids either.

Good point Kathleen.

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Amazing stonework.........awesome work so long ago.

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Even a blind man can see that MSM’s reporting of assassin attempts is leading to a push to impose tighter gun laws

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In order to smear and assassinate President Trump's character the Swamp uses DIS-MIS-MAL Information. Case in Point:

In the Super Fake indictment , recently filed in DC, FAKE Special Counsel JackAss Smith alleges that President Trump "knew"he lost the election


The CONCEALED SUPPRESSED Evidence shows that the Senator QueMala Chameleon and other Democrat Senators and Representatives were provided testimonial evidence by IT professionals showing that votes could be changed from one candidate to another IN REAL TIME ******WITHOUT CREATING TRACE EVIDENCE**********


The same evidence has been introduced in Atlanta Federal Court - there the GOP is warning that considering the evidence will cause a "civil war"

Curling v Raffensperger , Civil Action No: 1:17-cv-2989- AT – Expert Witness Professor J. Alex Halderman , PhD


If QueMala were honest she would file an Amicus Curiae with the Chutkan court stating the the evidence voids the so-called indictment .

But Chutkan has no authority to prevent the intervenor's Petition from being docketed

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"'More than 75% of French people support the reestablishment of border controls in France, according to a survey conducted by the CSA polling "

What's that saying about closing the barn door after the animals are out, or, in this case, after the animals are IN?

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