Israel will be slaughtered. They really need to pipe down. Netanyahu is a war criminal.

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The 15 stages of mRNA denial (first 10 from the Dossier)

1) It's the cure!

2) It's not the cure but it prevents you from getting it and spreading it to others

3) It doesn't prevent you from getting it but it prevents you from getting sick

4) It doesn't prevent you from getting sick but it prevents you from getting REALLY sick

5) It doesn't prevent you from getting REALLY sick but it prevents you from dying

6) It doesn't prevent you from dying but it prevents most people from dying

7) Hey, it's still a net benefit! Trust the institutions!

8) Okay, well at least it doesn't actively harm people! Roll up your sleeve for the updated shot

9) Okay, well at least it doesn't harm THAT many people! Sorry, I’m, uh, busy, and not rolling up my sleeve anymore

10) Okay, it's poison, and it doesn’t actually do anything beneficial whatsoever. There are no benefits, only costs. The cure is so much worse than the disease. We got bamboozled every step of the way

11) It's poison but it only kills a few people, and everybody I know is ok

12) Well, I know a few people that were killed or maimed but it's pretty much all over now

13) Ok, more and more people are dying, but it will stop when these greedy pharma companies are reined in

14) It's true that the military has orchestrated the whole thing but its only because they want to better prepare us for an era of biological warfare

15) Its really a transnational deep state that fears the 99% so much that they have set out to kill all 99%

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16. The perps are the Rockefellers with the Rothschilds as their wingmen.

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I think so, and I've been paying close attention for a few years now, but even I can't really tell who it is at the very top who has hijacked the U.S. DoD, but they do seem to be operating through international organizations with sovereign immunity like the U.N. and the BIS.

So the U.N. and the BIS etc must have their immunity removed and then be investigated, so we can find out who it is at the very top and then use the off switch, the guillotine, on them to make an example of them. After fair trials of course. The trials will actually be more important for the example.

So the path there probably will not be through Washington. My guess after my years of observing is that it will be through one of the states allowing citizens to cause grand juries to be formed if enough signatures are gathered on a petition. Citizen Grand Juries. Because as Cicero said, in times of war, the law falls silent, and it needs to be jolted awake.

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They need to be considered guilty until they can prove innocence. No alibis accepted. Operation Covid Global Lockstep showed the cabal controls every government, agency, and NGO. They instigated a fake reality. It's like they said the sky was red and the ocean was pink and the sun shines at night and everyone just nodded and agreed. Very evil people who have lost the right to live among us.

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Let the grand juries begin. They will have discovery powers, subpoena, perjury and all that.

Its really the understanding (and I mean proof in a court of law) thats much more important than any punishment, although an example for the future must be set.

If we have the understanding then we can just shut them down. They are like just 0.001%.

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They truly have lost their rights to live amongst us but nobody has the integrity or balls or access to them to stop the madness and remove the anti humanist from the planet

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Holy moly.

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Fifty infants died suddenly. This is in the character of Pharaoh and of Herod.

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AI will never have wisdom. The Artificial Pharisee will never have the capacity to understand that the greatest danger is to be certain of something that is incorrect.

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