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parents should be outraged by the cell towers in vicinity of schools… where are the PTA picket lines protesting the hazards ?!?!?!

seeing dead bees on pavement daily since 5G rollout… they try to disguise the major towers like fake palm trees, fake pine trees & clock towers


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The draft?

Who the fuck are they going to draft? Antifa, BLM, The Proud Boys, sheesh!

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Switzerland drafts its young men into the Army. Since Amerika has now become the most aggressive and dangerous fascist power in the world, its military can no longer meet its recruitment goals.

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It will not meet its recruitment goals with the draft.

It is dangerous because it has been conquered by Communism.

“You can vote your way into Communism, but you have to shoot your way out."

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the plan going through Congress a few years ago was to draft females & males


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Well, we are going to field the world's first transgender Army, Navy, and Air Force.

What about the Marines, will they be trans too?

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Victoria Nuland started World War III in 2014.

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There is another solar eclipse in April 2024

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Maybe it's just their way of "recycling"?

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the Canadians' applause for that naji does not even matter if they cause a scandal, the important thing is the message, transmitted directly, in front, in the face of everyone, about what these individuals are, their ideology, who they support and their goal. let's not pretend we don't understand. let's not pretend that we don't understand or that we have forgotten all those who supported and support the slogan widely circulated in this period and beyond, "the common good is above the individual good", an aspect that was a point of the nazi party's program. naturally, the ideology is applied when it comes to the herd, not when it comes to those who are attached to the seats of power...

another philosophy of theirs, publications that go against the general good will be banned. sounds familiar? So applause.

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This line here is utter tosh

"Elon Musk on Tuesday revealed that he took multiple COVID-19 vaccines so that he could travel during the period of intense pandemic restrictions "

Musk flies private jet, into airports that don't ask questions. If anyone believes this tosser took a single covid shot they need their head replaced.

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Re-instituting the Draft is NOT about necessary troops...


to further murder/make infertile U.S. Citizens;

especially the young and to create Disability in

the next generations.

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