Must be a surprise pajama party with the guests being moochelle, Whoopi, Hellery, Waters, and Piglosi. Boy that ought to be a winner with a clusterXXXX that includes the dumber obummer.
ovomit and his Clydesdale moochelle though I would have no idea how he rode her and the very thought of it would make me toss my cookies. (obamanation)
I know but for sure they both are net liabilities to the USA and need to be tried for treason and then executed along with other democrap political hacks..
It really smells like the cabal is planning something big.
Yes, it looks like they want to steamroll us. Keep moving forward, regardless.
Must be a surprise pajama party with the guests being moochelle, Whoopi, Hellery, Waters, and Piglosi. Boy that ought to be a winner with a clusterXXXX that includes the dumber obummer.
Gagging is on the agenda.
The O bumbler was a real menace.
ovomit and his Clydesdale moochelle though I would have no idea how he rode her and the very thought of it would make me toss my cookies. (obamanation)
Big Mike wears the pants:).
So the ovomit plays the female role. I feel like having a pukerama.
I can't say for sure:).
I know but for sure they both are net liabilities to the USA and need to be tried for treason and then executed along with other democrap political hacks..
And the three amigos who did 911 - Bush, Cheyney, and Rumsfeld.