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Oct 19, 2023
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Oct 19, 2023
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Trying to explain any of this to the average "Progressive" Liberal Blue-Pilled Pinhead is as useless and as frustrating as trying to explain to them the reality of the Covid Fraudemic and The Lethal Injections: They are simply incapable of comprehending what you're telling them.

And no, pounding some sense into them with the aid of a baseball bat or vigourously applying their head to a polished granite surface, will not help.

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Oct 19, 2023
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You're just setting yourself up for heartache at best -- and quite possibly violence -- trying to alert the Fucktards. After the last 3+ years I now live and work like a hermit. I see and talk to -- briefly-- the guy I relieve, and the guy who relieves me; that's it. The only person I have much to do with is my wife. And as for Israel and 75 years of Bankster-funded genocide? "Oh NO, Dorothy! Don't go there!!" (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XfRGZamRqJS980Duhvp_o-XpY7G43p8k/view?usp=drive_web)

That said let me introduce you to the largest single Red Pill I have ever taken: Wade Frazier's 1,800 page website, "A Healed Planet"; every page has value: https://ahealedplanet.net/home.htm

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Oct 19, 2023
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Most people are still: "Oh, that couldn't happen in America!" 🙄💩💣🕳️ Hey guys... It happened in France. It happened in Russia... It happened in Germany.... . It happened in Argentina... Are those countries really that different? No, they aren't. Oh, and hey! It's happening right now in your next-door neighbor Canada, "America's hat"...😲 we might as well -- and by now if I had my way we would be -- the 51st state...

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Biden is a senile, incontinent, pedophilic, psychopathic puppet.

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You are 100% wrong on Israel.

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Jesus is a Zionist. The Bible talks about Zion. It’s just a mountain in Jerusalem. To say you’re a Zionist just means you love Israel being the land of the Jews as it has been for thousands of years and has God said it would be. He said it aside for the Jews. There was a land purchase Written in the Bible in genesis with Abraham and it shows the amount he paid and the land description, and boundaries. And the person Abraham bought it from try to give it to him for free, but Abraham said no he wanted to pay for it. So it is a legal transaction documented in writing. It is Israel’s land so stop with your inciting hatred of Jews trying to get every Jew on earth killed because that’s what’s happening . Jesus was and is a Jew. I love Jesus I love Israel. I love the Jews. I am a Zionist and I am not a Jew so stop making the word scion and Zionist be bad because there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s like saying you’re an American and you’re a patriot and love your country.

Hamas admitted they bombed their own hospital.




Hamas terrorists are run by the head of the snake Iran, as it is Hezbollah Taliban Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Jihad, and all of the Islamic Supremacist terrorists around the world .

Hamas took Jewish pregnant women and cut their stomach open and pulled their babies out in front of their other children family. They raped and tortured babies and children in front of the parents. They raped parents and tortured them to death in front of the children. They tied the children up to the parents and then tortured them all to death slowly. They shot them in the stomach so they would bleed a painful long death. They stack them up 20 at a time and then set them on fire alive . So stop with your posts trying to make people hate Israel for finally defending themselves because they’ve been putting up with this crap forever 60 years plus buddy else would put up with it and they dropped hundreds of thousands of flyers for the bomb. Nobody else tells were there about the bomb. Give free electricity and water to the Palestinians. They give them pipes to have for water and sewage and then the terrace take the pipes and rip them out of the ground and turn them into rockets. They gave them building materials and we are giving them billions and billions of dollars every year and they use the money to kill Jews and to kill their own people if they say they are not Islamic enough. And of course they kill Christians and every other kind of person like Sikhs. Israel is doing the people in Palestine a favor by trying to take out her boss because of loss as he was hurting the Palestinians. Their schools for two and three year olds on hub teach the children to want to kill stab crushed up on and destroy and murder juice. That’s why they do what they’ve done and we’ve all seen in the last couple weeks And they’ve been doing it for 60 years plus they didn’t do it since Islam became a thing in the 600s. The land is Israel’s. It has been Israel’s for over 3500 years. Came from Jordan and Egypt but Jordan and Egypt have never allowed them to come back and even now in Jordan and Egypt close their borders even harder and said you can’t come here because they want them to be pitiful on camera for propaganda. All of the Palestinian surnames show they come from Jordan Egypt and Saudi Arabia. They did not live in Israel. The Romans Israel in 70 A.D., and then to stick their finger in the eye of the remaining Jews. They renamed the area Philistine after the Jews, worst enemy the philistines. That’s where the name Palestine comes from. There’s never been Palestinians before that. They are from Jordan Egypt in Saudi Arabia. And those countries are giant, huge rounding Islamic supremacists countries around Israel that have plenty of land Israel is a postage stamp compared to them. Israel is only 9 miles wide and one area. It’s about the size of New Jersey with 21+ countries plus now Russia all trying to destroy Jews because Satan wants the Jews destroyed because Jesus is a Jewish rabbi who is coming back to Israel. And he said he will destroy those who are trying to destroy his people and take their land and he said the nation who bless Israel will, be blessed in the nation who curses Israel will be cursed so all of the people cursing Israel should wake up and stop

And I have been fighting against big Pharma and Fauci , the WEF world economic forum, and the deep state , the Great Reset mark of the beast system, and the poison death shots ...the mRNA inanoparticle device CRISPR CAS 9 DNA editing quantum dot artificial intelligence self-assembling nanorobotic shots. And I am against us giving one dime to Ukraine, because that’s a money laundering scheme to hide a bioweapon labs that Biden Obama Clinton crime cartel put all over Ukraine.

but I am not with those who are foolishly bashing Israel because the Bible is clear that it is Israel’s land and the Jews are just trying to survive being attacked every day for 70+years , really thousands of years, and they’re land is tiny. The reason you have a cell phone is because of Jews. The reason you have any Intel processor chip is because of Jews. The reason you have many agricultural , medical , science , etc. technological wonders is because of Israel.

And yes I am completely against Israel forcing the bioweapon shots on their people. And I despise Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari. Harari is from Israel, and he is a demon in my mind. He will burn in hell forever for what he’s done , but that doesn’t mean all of Israel should be hated.

I’m not gonna turn against Israel because the Bible says Jesus is for Israel, and to pray for the peace of Israel , and Israel is the apple of God’s eye and that God gets very angry when people try to steal Israel’s land and every time ... there have been 126 times some politician has made a deal to take some of Israel’s land ... and every time there was a natural disaster right afterward. Hello. Wake up.

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The UN -- like the defunct League of Nations before it, is the brainchild and wholly-owned chattel of the Rockefeller Crime Syndicate. There were no good or noble intentions behind it; its sole purpose was to advance the Satanic Global Elite's atrocious agenda: A totalitarian world government with absolute power over everything you do, everywhere you go, everything you say.

Tell me how your life right now, is in anyway different from what Stefan describes:

Stefan Verstappen "How It Will Go Down" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dK86mqVfng&t=983s

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The world is going mad? Yeah! I’ve been watching it slow burn since the electronically stolen 2000 election, that was immediately followed by the 9/11 false flag by our own government and Israel, that set the middle east and much of the rest of the world ablaze.

Here we are today, that election rigging software has spread around the world so we no longer have legitimate representation that reflects our interests, the 9/11 perps are STILL running free and starting new conflicts, elections still being stolen, a fake pandemic was declared to transfer immense wealth and depopulate the planet with a bioweapon and fear, and we have a laughable dementia patient squatting in the white house, enabling the war they want to hide millions of covid injection deaths and prevent complete collapse of their card game.

But I have an episode of Naked and Afraid I need to watch so I’ll worry about it tomorrow.

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The Hornady blast is concerning, besides the concern for the woman that died and those that are injured, I desperately wanted some more T2 #8162 5.56X45.

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Tediously predictable really. The United States is a caterpiller with a parasitic wasp larva in it, gradually devouring everything but the life-sustaining organs -- those are last to be eaten.

The parasitic wasp that stung that caterpiller, laid its egg on the caterpiller is of course Israel: 42 minutes, 28 seconds of highly unpleasant, highly offensive truth, coming right up:

Asha Logos: "A Modestly Priced Weapon: Our Controlled Press" - https://www.bitchute.com/video/2BNkmsR70oFM/

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This was very difficult to find. Yt channel Light in the Dark Place video Kingdom Divided full presentation. long video start at 1 hr 47 minutes[youll probably go back to watch the entire thing anyway but} Satans agenda destroying the Temple of God. abomination of desolation.

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Jesus is a Zionist. The Bible talks about Zion. It’s just a mountain in Jerusalem. To say you’re a Zionist just means you love Israel being the land of the Jews as it has been for thousands of years and has God said it would be. He said it aside for the Jews. There was a land purchase Written in the Bible in genesis with Abraham and it shows the amount he paid and the land description, and boundaries. And the person Abraham bought it from try to give it to him for free, but Abraham said no he wanted to pay for it. So it is a legal transaction documented in writing. It is Israel’s land so stop with your inciting hatred of Jews trying to get every Jew on earth killed because that’s what’s happening . Jesus was and is a Jew. I love Jesus I love Israel. I love the Jews. I am a Zionist and I am not a Jew so stop making the word scion and Zionist be bad because there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s like saying you’re an American and you’re a patriot and love your country.

Hamas admitted they bombed their own hospital.




Hamas terrorists are run by the head of the snake Iran, as it is Hezbollah Taliban Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Jihad, and all of the Islamic Supremacist terrorists around the world .

Hamas took Jewish pregnant women and cut their stomach open and pulled their babies out in front of their other children family. They raped and tortured babies and children in front of the parents. They raped parents and tortured them to death in front of the children. They tied the children up to the parents and then tortured them all to death slowly. They shot them in the stomach so they would bleed a painful long death. They stack them up 20 at a time and then set them on fire alive . So stop with your posts trying to make people hate Israel for finally defending themselves because they’ve been putting up with this crap forever 60 years plus buddy else would put up with it and they dropped hundreds of thousands of flyers for the bomb. Nobody else tells were there about the bomb. Give free electricity and water to the Palestinians. They give them pipes to have for water and sewage and then the terrace take the pipes and rip them out of the ground and turn them into rockets. They gave them building materials and we are giving them billions and billions of dollars every year and they use the money to kill Jews and to kill their own people if they say they are not Islamic enough. And of course they kill Christians and every other kind of person like Sikhs. Israel is doing the people in Palestine a favor by trying to take out her boss because of loss as he was hurting the Palestinians. Their schools for two and three year olds on hub teach the children to want to kill stab crushed up on and destroy and murder juice. That’s why they do what they’ve done and we’ve all seen in the last couple weeks And they’ve been doing it for 60 years plus they didn’t do it since Islam became a thing in the 600s. The land is Israel’s. It has been Israel’s for over 3500 years. Came from Jordan and Egypt but Jordan and Egypt have never allowed them to come back and even now in Jordan and Egypt close their borders even harder and said you can’t come here because they want them to be pitiful on camera for propaganda. All of the Palestinian surnames show they come from Jordan Egypt and Saudi Arabia. They did not live in Israel. The Romans Israel in 70 A.D., and then to stick their finger in the eye of the remaining Jews. They renamed the area Philistine after the Jews, worst enemy the philistines. That’s where the name Palestine comes from. There’s never been Palestinians before that. They are from Jordan Egypt in Saudi Arabia. And those countries are giant, huge rounding Islamic supremacists countries around Israel that have plenty of land Israel is a postage stamp compared to them. Israel is only 9 miles wide and one area. It’s about the size of New Jersey with 21+ countries plus now Russia all trying to destroy Jews because Satan wants the Jews destroyed because Jesus is a Jewish rabbi who is coming back to Israel. And he said he will destroy those who are trying to destroy his people and take their land and he said the nation who bless Israel will, be blessed in the nation who curses Israel will be cursed so all of the people cursing Israel should wake up and stop

And I have been fighting against big Pharma and Fauci , the WEF world economic forum, and the deep state , the Great Reset mark of the beast system, and the poison death shots ...the mRNA inanoparticle device CRISPR CAS 9 DNA editing quantum dot artificial intelligence self-assembling nanorobotic shots. And I am against us giving one dime to Ukraine, because that’s a money laundering scheme to hide a bioweapon labs that Biden Obama Clinton crime cartel put all over Ukraine.

but I am not with those who are foolishly bashing Israel because the Bible is clear that it is Israel’s land and the Jews are just trying to survive being attacked every day for 70+years , really thousands of years, and they’re land is tiny. The reason you have a cell phone is because of Jews. The reason you have any Intel processor chip is because of Jews. The reason you have many agricultural , medical , science , etc. technological wonders is because of Israel.

And yes I am completely against Israel forcing the bioweapon shots on their people. And I despise Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari. Harari is from Israel, and he is a demon in my mind. He will burn in hell forever for what he’s done , but that doesn’t mean all of Israel should be hated.

I’m not gonna turn against Israel because the Bible says Jesus is for Israel, and to pray for the peace of Israel , and Israel is the apple of God’s eye and that God gets very angry when people try to steal Israel’s land and every time ... there have been 126 times some politician has made a deal to take some of Israel’s land ... and every time there was a natural disaster right afterward. Hello. Wake up.

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Glenn Beck

You are not being told the truth about the war that Hamas started with Israel.

Biden Obama Admin are really undermining Israel, of course. Biden Blinken are acting as human shields to prevent Israel from taking out all of the terrorists asap. Ruining their momentum. Biden was not invited to Israel. He/Obama Blinken & his campaign came to Israel for campaign optics and to tie Israel’s hands & fund & empower Hamas Hezbollah Iran. Putting israel in a trap. Throwing a wrench in everything. The Biden USA is funding and helping all of the terrorists around the world. There are agents who come from terror countries in the Biden Admin in high up Defense positions. See Caroline Glick’s video on this.

Jesus is a Zionist. The Bible talks about Zion. It’s just a mountain in Jerusalem. To say you’re a Zionist just means you love Israel being the land of the Jews as it has been for thousands of years and has God said it would be. He said it aside for the Jews. There was a land purchase Written in the Bible in genesis with Abraham and it shows the amount he paid and the land description, and boundaries. And the person Abraham bought it from try to give it to him for free, but Abraham said no he wanted to pay for it. So it is a legal transaction documented in writing. It is Israel’s land so stop with your inciting hatred of Jews trying to get every Jew on earth killed because that’s what’s happening . Jesus was and is a Jew. I love Jesus I love Israel. I love the Jews. I am a Zionist and I am not a Jew so stop making the word scion and Zionist be bad because there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s like saying you’re an American and you’re a patriot and love your country. Hamas admitted they bombed their own hospital. Www.pallywood.com Www.thereligionofpeace.com www.barenakedislam.com Hamas terrorists are run by the head of the snake Iran, as it is Hezbollah Taliban Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Jihad, and all of the Islamic Supremacist terrorists around the world . Hamas took Jewish pregnant women and cut their stomach open and pulled their babies out in front of their other children family. They raped and tortured babies and children in front of the parents. They raped parents and tortured them to death in front of the children. They tied the children up to the parents and then tortured them all to death slowly. They shot them in the stomach so they would bleed a painful long death. They stack them up 20 at a time and then set them on fire alive . So stop with your posts trying to make people hate Israel for finally defending themselves because they’ve been putting up with this crap forever 60 years plus buddy else would put up with it and they dropped hundreds of thousands of flyers for the bomb. Nobody else tells were there about the bomb. Give free electricity and water to the Palestinians. They give them pipes to have for water and sewage and then the terrace take the pipes and rip them out of the ground and turn them into rockets. They gave them building materials and we are giving them billions and billions of dollars every year and they use the money to kill Jews and to kill their own people if they say they are not Islamic enough. And of course they kill Christians and every other kind of person like Sikhs. Israel is doing the people in Palestine a favor by trying to take out her boss because of loss as he was hurting the Palestinians. Their schools for two and three year olds on hub teach the children to want to kill stab crushed up on and destroy and murder juice. That’s why they do what they’ve done and we’ve all seen in the last couple weeks And they’ve been doing it for 60 years plus they didn’t do it since Islam became a thing in the 600s. The land is Israel’s. It has been Israel’s for over 3500 years. Came from Jordan and Egypt but Jordan and Egypt have never allowed them to come back and even now in Jordan and Egypt close their borders even harder and said you can’t come here because they want them to be pitiful on camera for propaganda. All of the Palestinian surnames show they come from Jordan Egypt and Saudi Arabia. They did not live in Israel. The Romans Israel in 70 A.D., and then to stick their finger in the eye of the remaining Jews. They renamed the area Philistine after the Jews, worst enemy the philistines. That’s where the name Palestine comes from. There’s never been Palestinians before that. They are from Jordan Egypt in Saudi Arabia. And those countries are giant, huge rounding Islamic supremacists countries around Israel that have plenty of land Israel is a postage stamp compared to them. Israel is only 9 miles wide and one area. It’s about the size of New Jersey with 21+ countries plus now Russia all trying to destroy Jews because Satan wants the Jews destroyed because Jesus is a Jewish rabbi who is coming back to Israel. And he said he will destroy those who are trying to destroy his people and take their land and he said the nation who bless Israel will, be blessed in the nation who curses Israel will be cursed so all of the people cursing Israel should wake up and stop And I have been fighting against big Pharma and Fauci , the WEF world economic forum, and the deep state , the Great Reset mark of the beast system, and the poison death shots ...the mRNA inanoparticle device CRISPR CAS 9 DNA editing quantum dot artificial intelligence self-assembling nanorobotic shots. And I am against us giving one dime to Ukraine, because that’s a money laundering scheme to hide a bioweapon labs that Biden Obama Clinton crime cartel put all over Ukraine. but I am not with those who are foolishly bashing Israel because the Bible is clear that it is Israel’s land and the Jews are just trying to survive being attacked every day for 70+years , really thousands of years, and they’re land is tiny. The reason you have a cell phone is because of Jews. The reason you have any Intel processor chip is because of Jews. The reason you have many agricultural , medical , science , etc. technological wonders is because of Israel. And yes I am completely against Israel forcing the bioweapon shots on their people. And I despise Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari. Harari is from Israel, and he is a demon in my mind. He will burn in hell forever for what he’s done , but that doesn’t mean all of Israel should be hated. I’m not gonna turn against Israel because the Bible says Jesus is for Israel, and to pray for the peace of Israel , and Israel is the apple of God’s eye and that God gets very angry when people try to steal Israel’s land and every time ... there have been 126 times some politician has made a deal to take some of Israel’s land ... and every time there was a natural disaster right afterward. Hello. Wake up.

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