“The army spokesperson gave a press conference declaring that "an analysis of IDF operational systems indicates a barrage of rockets was fired by terrorists in Gaza, passing in close proximity, to the hospital at the time it was hit. Intelligence from a few sources that we have in our hands indicates that the Islamic Jihad is responsible."

🤣 That’s like Pfizer saying it has evidence that Moderna did it.

How ‘bout a third party determines who did what instead?

Or, better yet, how about they mutually end their shenanigans altogether?!

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I don’t care about that as much.

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Look! Over here!! Look look! See Dick. See Jane..See spot. Look here!

And while you are, China will quietly take over Taiwan.

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Plus Biden gets relief from the negative news loop about his corruption.

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Taiwan is curiously not in the news.

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Why in the world would ANYONE meet with Obiden…just send Ovomit since we know he has his hands all over this. America needs to sit this one out. Pray our military men/women don’t have to go fight this intentional war. Its getting obvious this whole thing was ignored by Netanyahu because of the impending protests against him for changing their constitution. He’s not the man people think he is. I’ve read far too many accounts (and videos) from former IDF that calls this whole Hamas attack into question, including the IDF/military being told to stand down for seven hours. All of them have stated that there was no way they didn’t know it was coming. How convenient. Egypt also warned Israel of an impending attack by Hamas several days before and Israel ignored it???? Too much does not pass the smell test. Unfortunately no lives are too precious for these globalist monsters to use for their false flags. Just wait until the military aged men being brought in by Obiden/Ovomit/Bush/Clintons are told to attack Americans. I imagine the large cities will be first since most of them are anti-gun and have the worst gun control laws and you can really kill thousands without a lot of work!!!! Now Kamala wants Americans AR15’s ….yeah right……just so they can try and attack us without the right weapons!!! So nothing like having the enemy within and knowing that the illegal federal government and rogue criminal three letter agencies will be party to the attacks on Americans!!! Lock and load and protect your homes and families. Be vigilant and don’t think for a second it won’t happen. 2024 is coming fast and they have to stop the elections next year!!!!

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Did you see the video of an Israeli woman who has been taken hostage by Hamas? She says that lots of hostages were killed by Israel’s troops and they also were the ones who killed the young people at the rave.

Israel has also bombed the hostages in Gaza. I dunno how much of that is true, but I will keep my mind open when it comes to this conflict. I will never forget the Saddam has WMDs scam. The PTB always manufacture consent for their wars. There is always a new Hitler that we have to fight.

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What to believe or not to believe anymore. ALL governments are corrupt now. Never trust what you see, hear or read anymore. Those days are done. Listen to yourself.

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I couldn’t watch it yet. I’ve watched so many horrific videos. This does not surprise me though. Just like its the Nazi regime installed by Ovomit/Obiden in UKraine killing the Ukrainian people and they are embezzling billions from Americans to line their pockets. We have to really vet all the information being released. I just don’t want our military men and women getting put into another fake war for optics by the globalists. I’ve had it. Bush/Clinton/Ovomit/Obiden and anyone complicit in all this needs a firing squad but first to be drug through the streets and tarred and feathered for a start. Evil monsters everyone of them….while they take pleasure in all this suffering and death.

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'Ron Panzer, president of Hospice Patients Alliance, has worked for "decades" for hospice reform in the face of what he calls “stealth euthanasia,” a practice that now appears to be often culturally acceptable in the hospice movement.'

So this has been going on for decades and congress is well aware of what is going on and yet it’s still going on because they didn’t do anything about it? Gee I wonder how much $$$ the hospice lobbyists paid them to turn their backs on vulnerable people?

I’m appalled! It seems like I’m appalled every damn day and yet me being appalled does nothing to change the crimes against humanity that appall me daily. The leaders of the world have no problem financing crimes against humanity and no matter how big our protests against them are they just ignore us and continue funding them. Big pharma is killing 100's daily and not one leader is calling that out. Sorry for the rant, but today I’m beyond appalled. I’m pissed off, but that doesn’t change anything either.

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Canadian Petition e-4625

Canada's membership in the United Nations (UN) and World Health Organization (WHO), imposes negative consequences on the people of Canada, far outweighing any benefits. https://mathewaldred.substack.com/p/canadian-petition-e-4625?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=705029&post_id=138077360&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=c55mw&utm_medium=email

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