🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡, what a video !

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Thanks for a great and really substantive morning lineup.

How we, the people, can get ahead of the Great Reset has been on my mind lately. It’s great to report daily events but how do we promote change? How do we save ourselves?

I must urge everyone to read Alexander Durgin’s book “The Great Awakening vs. The Great Reset.” This brave Russian philosopher intimately understands the situation the world is in and his solution is to spread awareness of the Great Awakening. He argues many people across the world are against the Great Reset and progressive liberalism, and our best chance to defeat our elite masters is to make the Great Awakening a serious movement. He makes many profound points and presents an interesting history of liberalism. The book takes an hour or so to read.

The book is only available from the publisher in both print and digital form for $4.95. It has been banned elsewhere, of course.

It is not merely enough to oppose the Great Reset. We must, with great passion, unite together and find common ground to defeat our enemies with others in the world. Time is running short, however. Spreading the word is imperative.

Here is the link to purchase the book.


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“Wars and Rumors of wars.” Get ready, they have to get this done while Biden is being directed by Obama and his handlers.

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My God, we waste so much time and effort on the most frivolous things when so many problems stare us in the face about which we do little or nothing.

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Woohoo! Gimme some socks!

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