No one can take their country back until the European Union is dismantled

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I’m guessing that the spending cuts that republicans want will be from the programs that help vulnerable people and especially kids while not cutting any money that they send out of the country called foreign aid. And then democrats will unwittingly go along with them because it’s obvious to me that both parties hate the American people. Just imagine what the trillions spent on wars could have done for the country. And unfortunately many people will agree with them because everyone should be self sufficient including babies and children.

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"a civilized community in the absence of the state."

Sounds lovely.

*mental note: Argentina

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Netanyahu; he's 'yahu', alright. This stooge undoubtedly ordered Mossad to act against Hezbollah; the very same Mossad who had a hand in the creation of Hezbollah. What, do they think we're all idiots; like themselves?

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