9/11 was a catastrophe done by our own government but I highly doubt they would do a cyber 9/11. In a grid down scenario, a heavily armed populace would go after the elites. They can’t have that. China and/or Russia could certainly pull it off but that would lead to nuclear war. The elite want US dead, not the land, air, and water. Just my 2 cents…

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The elites have their backup plans. The super wealthy have their retreats and islands and bunkers. The government has very well stocked enormous underground facilities that they spent decades working on, all for the politicians and important COG personnel. They THINK they will be just fine, and they don't give "a flying f**k" about the rest of us. Our government has made ZERO provision for us citizens. Russia, by contrast, has many well stocked shelters that can accommodate most of their urban inhabitants.

A grid down scenario is exactly what the elites want. They need it to cover their tracks for all the stealing they have been doing—that is about to crash the world economy because of their gigantic Ponzi Schemes.They think they will cozily wait out the ensuing chaos. Problem is, China wants our farmland and resources. Russia wants Alaska back. And both of them, particularly the brutal and godless Chinese, want every last one of us DEAD! The elites will be just as screwed as everybody else, but they are SOOOO STUPID and disconnected from reality, they will gladly let the country go to hell anyway.

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"The medical system is destroying health; lawyers destroy justice; psychiatrists destroy minds; scientists destroy truth; major media destroy information; religions destroy spirituality; and governments destroy freedom."

One has to ammend this otherwise very truthful statement. Instead of "lawyers destroy justice", it needs to read: "lawyers, judges, and the DOJ destroy justice"!

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Such discouragement can set in. The world is so deceived. Praise God He gives us the blessed hope.

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