Oh yes they are planning alright. The same exact sequence cyclesuch as the 1920s to post war excess, financial Catastrophe war death etc both sides funded by the same entity happened WWI = League of Nations. WWII = UN. WWII = NWO of the antichrist. For this Ukraine Russian war you can see the design playbook.... Heglian Dialectic...We created the problem with creation of the Nazi sect for Russia Putin's #1 reason to invade he calles on the fears of repeat of before. I just wonder if there a room somewhere where they all meet 🤪https://youtu.be/tI3rmBGDMxo?si=3vQ8RFAjXDmk1TsD

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It's a NETWORK, an International Crime Syndicate more powerful than the proverbial Mafia...Which they were and remain aligned with from all regions of the world including the Cartels.

They need not meet in rooms as they meet in meetings, Govt. and Clubs all the time...There's no reason to hide. They hide in plain sight as the Philanthropaths with the Directors of the NGO's, Billionaires and their Govt. Puppets...Bankers, Monarchs, Peers, Conglomerate Corporatists.

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Search 'Albert Pike + Three World Wars' (all planned in the 1800's).

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Will do Paul. Ironic you say. As soon as I can feedback an innocent trip I made to Waterloo battle Museum and came out flabbergasted how the Rothchild's used the event to start their conquest of acquisition of the world money

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They good with shell games too ..We're $35 trillion in debt. They're $35 trillion richer. I think the. Prince Charles must have referenced the antichrist in his speech..."with his trillions" talking about a military style campaign to "combat global warming".

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I can't believe that clown is king.

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He's far worse than a clown. He was buddy-buddy with Jimmy Savile, apart from the Alma Tunnel incident.

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and the Peoples are too busy to play with trannies and Trump instead of fronting their "leaders' by the tens and hundreds of thousands that the peoples do not want a war or misery of any kind no more no more no more


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How do you think these Ghouls get to be Presidents, Prime Ministers, Billionaires? They sell their souls to Satan, and he gives them power and wealth. And one of the favourite sacrifices Satan requires in return is child abuse and sacrifice. And it is across the world, virtually all parties, virtually all countries. Ever ask yourself why Netanyahu got a standing ovation in Congress? Virtually every Congress Creature gets paid off by AIPAC, Big Pharma, the MIC, and others. There's a whole lot of Zionists in Trump's proposed Administaration - wonder if Miriam Adelson's $100 million had anything to do with that? Talk about 'selling America down the river...'.

Read Cathy O'Brien's book 'Access Denied: For Reasons of National Security', for more very well-known child abusers.

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ukraine can't nuke russia any more than russia can nuke ukraine. bomb kiev on monday and the cloud hits moscow by wednesday. all fear porn. remember the nyc nuclear war video from 2022? lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zznmdUJbeU8

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Mini-nukes or tactical nukes don't release huge amounts of radiiation - and then of course there are Neutron bombs. Ukraine has frequently attacked nuclear plants within Ukraine - fortunately without seriously damaging the critical areas.

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Global politics is a puppet show.

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Just watched this yesterday and this is so very hard to wrap one’s head around. Of particular interest to us, Jo being forced to live under the junior Justin Trudeau’s regime was what she had to say about the senior Pierre Trudeau, that the only way she could have satisfied him was if she dead, if she died… so note to self tell her boss David Rockefeller this so maybe the next time Pierre Trudeau visited he would get a “disposable” child instead so he could “satisfy”himself. Ugh! Just repulsive!!!

I was also reminded of that poor poor half naked boy seen hanging out from the window of Buckingham Palace in London a few years back and passersby just casually looking up and seeing him dangling close to falling to his death but people kept right on walking. What was being done unto him that he tried so desperately to escape from it?!

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You don't understand trauma-based Mind Control. Victims have virtually no free will in what they are ordered to do. If Aneke was ordered to report back, report back she would.

Pierre Turdeau (sp!) was also mentioned by Cathy O'Brien in her book 'Access Denied: For Reasons of National Security' (she also mentions a number of high US officials, including half a dozen 'Presidents' who were pervs).

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No thankfully I know nothing about it. Still my observations are it was clearly a very sick and twisted relationship she as a young girl developed with Rockefeller as she shared a bond with him that involved some positive feelings on her part despite what he had her do and feels guilty talking bad about him even now!

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If you read Cathy O'Brian's book 'Access Denied' you would begin to understand.

What these survivors have been through is almost unbelievable to most people.

NO BLAME can be legitimately put on the survivors.

Torture survivors have told how they developed a 'relationship' with their tormenters, and many women have difficulty breaking away from abusive husbands, but in Trauma - based Mind Control, there is a huge mental problem, an innability to break free. In Cathy O'Brien's case, not only her, but her baby girl was abused in her presence and she could do nothing.

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Yeah… I’m depressed enough already with the state of the world I don’t care to explore this subject any further, I got the gist of it from the interview and that’s already enough for me.

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Fair enough, but because of your lack of knowledge about Trauma-based Mind Control, you got the wromg end of the stick, believing Aneke was in any sense responsible.

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That was not my impression from her words actually, a grownup always has the advantage over a child even in perfectly normal circumstances hence we have laws in place to supposedly protect children but these laws clearly don’t apply to these elites.

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Wait, this seems an awful like the Covid MO… make them scared, really scared and their friends and neighbors too.

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And why not? It's the same Luciferian Cabal responsible for both abominations.

I suspect that is what made the interviewer so edgy! Two of those names are particularly explosive.

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