I didn't see that, Edwin. Are you talking about the consideration that Arab citizens in Gaza be allowed to own weapons that would keep Hamas from taking over again?
I guess I am not a careful reader anymore. Life goes on.
I would not think the PLO is a responsible organization. Wasn't its leader, Yassar Arafat, the world's most notorious terrorist after the Olympics' murders?
Hamas didn't "take over"....Hamas was created and funded by Israel, and Israel admitted it a few years ago. Its a fake manufactured enemy like ISIS. Israel creates fake enemies to give Israel an excuse to bomb it's neighbors into the stone age and take their stuff.
Obviously, following the treachery of Arafat and the corruption of the Palestinian Authority, the Jews knew that the PA could not be trusted to lead Muslims. In the hope that decent leadership could be found among the millions of Muslims, a new political party was created. Of course, it proved to be even worse than the PA. It is called Unintended Consequences.
I realize that anti-semitism is on the rise, so your comment is no surprise.
Provide weapons to the PLO. Yes, that worked out so well last time!
I didn't see that, Edwin. Are you talking about the consideration that Arab citizens in Gaza be allowed to own weapons that would keep Hamas from taking over again?
No, I guess they want to provide small arms to the PLO so they can administer their form of 'justice.'
I guess I am not a careful reader anymore. Life goes on.
I would not think the PLO is a responsible organization. Wasn't its leader, Yassar Arafat, the world's most notorious terrorist after the Olympics' murders?
Hamas didn't "take over"....Hamas was created and funded by Israel, and Israel admitted it a few years ago. Its a fake manufactured enemy like ISIS. Israel creates fake enemies to give Israel an excuse to bomb it's neighbors into the stone age and take their stuff.
Obviously, following the treachery of Arafat and the corruption of the Palestinian Authority, the Jews knew that the PA could not be trusted to lead Muslims. In the hope that decent leadership could be found among the millions of Muslims, a new political party was created. Of course, it proved to be even worse than the PA. It is called Unintended Consequences.
I realize that anti-semitism is on the rise, so your comment is no surprise.
No anti-semitism. Just facts. Open secrets anybody that does research can uncover.