I do not think that Iran does anything on their own, their surrogates obey them and Iran has become a surrogate for Russia and China. All of their actions are choreographed. This is all a play and we need to know the actors and their roles. Watch their actions and inactions to see who is who and who they serve, along with who stands to profit. None of what is going on is accidental, the sooner we realize that, the better off we will all be.

If you weave the stories posted here, you can get a good picture of who they are and what their roles are. We are all being manipulated on a daily basis.

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Maybe the BRICS+ Alliance goes much deeper than the people who live in countries aligned with the G7 nations and NATO are led to believe?

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I consider that to be a distinct probability.

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“This is all a play and we need to know the actors and their roles.”

In geopolitics, the masses are indoctrinated (aka brainwashed through false narratives & propaganda) into believing that there are villains and heroes. I believe that there are no heroes. I believe that all statists are supporting evil. I presume that you know what “statism” is, but for the benefit of other readers, statism is defined as “a political system in which the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs.” This introduces the question “What’s the nature of the (so-called) ‘state’?” This is a good link, in my opinion, for answering that question. https://winteroak.org.uk/2023/07/25/the-mortal-gods-drops-its-mask/

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That was an excellent link that I shared around, well worth the read. The only good guys in all of this are the ones who do not comply, and the ones who tell the truth. Corrupt politicians know that and try to vilify and stop such people by any means necessary. It is a winner takes all game to them.

The only God they worship is the state.

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“The only good guys in all of this are the ones who do not comply, and the ones who tell the truth.” I heartily concur. Hopefully YHWH God will raise up prophets again (after His Own heart) soon, who will testify of the truth, not only in WORD, but also in DEED and in POWER. We need prophets like Elijah/Elias to stand up against the prophets of Baal and other devils.

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I could not agree with you more.

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Thanks Bert!

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You are welcome. Thank you I enjoyed the dialogue.

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We have encountered Canadians in various doctors' offices for years, perhaps the last 20 years at least, who were here in the U.S. accessing medical care, much of it what we (used to) consider routine treatment, because they simply could not get the same treatment in Canada, at least not in a reasonable period of time. This has been going on for decades; I'm sure it's much worse now.

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