GDP increases with the illegal alien invasion, so why don't we stop f-cking around, and bring in 50,000 illegals a month?

Because the increase is due to the government's expenses!


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Edwin , I may be a pessimist, but I think it’s too late . I pray I am wrong . 🙏

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I think you are right, but I pray you are wrong.

The uni-party (bought and paid for by China/Communists) is taking this country down, and they don't care how hard.

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Listen closely to the interview with Putin … Tucker tried , not in so many words , is this a spiritual war ? ….. then goes on to describe our government with 2 sides /2 brain hemispheres… interesting analogy. Read between the lines , Putin likes to speak in riddles at times …. Makes you connect the dots . Also , unfortunately not one discussion on the jab sadly.

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Video at the vend is really cool Lioness 🙏, thank u

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Looking for more evidence? Study the shroud of Turin.

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It's sure interesting about Harvard's obsessive behavior with the vax mandate. It shows how entrenched they are with the dark side.

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what a bunch of BS about the "satanists". The videos you refer to by Juan Mendez have nothing to with this.

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I have a few comments:

Why does America want to defeat Hamas? What have they done to us? Why are we kissing up to Israel? And why why why is the war named the “Israel-Hamas war”? when it is obviously the “Israel-Gaza War” And who is going to pay to clean up Gaza at the conclusion of Israel’s offensive? It had better not be America! Where will the Palestinians go so Israel can attack the remaining Hamas “battalions”? Apparently that is not Netanyahu’s concern. How is this “war” different than the America-Vietnam War? Where America felt no reluctance to kill the native Vietnamese?

For me, the murder of the Palestinians by Israel is obliterating any feelings about the so-called Holocaust. Two wrongs do not make a right. Jews killing Muslim Arabs can never alleviate the historical pain of the Holocaust, it can only perpetuate it.


Regarding China’s presumed impending threat to “U.S. infrastructure”, I can never trust the CIA again. If it weren’t China, the CIA would find some other nation to put up as a threat. Who benefits from these presumed threats? Likely the CIA expects to get money and power from the government. And then they will turn US citizens into fearful pushovers.

Are we about to enjoy a Red scare? Obviously US citizenship will not be enough to protect Chinese immigrants. Maybe we’ll require them to wear a red star for being Chinese with a blue circle for being a US citizen. Sick.


Regarding the US commercial ship industry, I was employed for three years in that industry. The federal government is responsible for the complete absence of US-owned commercial transoceanic shipping. It’s been that way for years. Why are 19 Congress folk only now worrying about it?


If the Air Force has “critical manning shortages” it is the obvious result of their vaccine mandate. Why not rehire the people they fired for the nerve of refusing the jab?


If the Army is ditching its Next-Gen Helicopter Program, might it be shifting to drones? If so, who will make those drones?


How will illegal immigration boost US GDP? Is there a redefinition involved? At least some of us realize that illegal immigration will take money to even address, let alone curb. How will that spending contribute to GDP? It seems to me that doing so involves redefining an expense as an income. Not the accounting I was taught.

What contributes to GDP: number of workers or amount paid to workers? If younger immigrant workers are taking the jobs once held by native workers, I would expect the immigrant workers to be paid less than the native workers they replace. Thus the number of workers remains static while the amount paid decreases. How does this affect GDP? If more people are working, is that to compensate for the lower productivity of immigrant workers?

I admit to confusion about GDP. Investopedia states it is “is the total monetary or market value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country’s borders in a specific time period”. To me, that means that labor costs contribute to the GDP regardless of their direct or indirect affect on the production of goods and services. It seems from ZeroHedge that labor costs are assumed to be goods and/or services and thus counted towards GDP. Are payments to offshore workers included in GDP? If so, that seems wrong.

So the accounting tasks are track (1) income from sales plus (2) labor expenses attributable to income from sales plus (3) costs of products ready for sale but unsold (including labor). This is interesting as I have never seen any employer of mine capable of making these distinctions. What are they reporting? And, if this is the case, what does immigrant labor have to do with it? Except that it is cheaper.

In none of this can I find an explanation for how illegal immigrant labor can boost GDP. Assuming immigrant labor works for a lower hourly rate than native labor, the GDP should be less.

What is the relationship between a strong job market and GDP? How is “strong job market” defined? I would have thought it meant a higher than usual demand for workers and/or increased wages. If that works out to more money actually paid for labor, then I can understand how that might increase GDP. On the other hand, a strong job market that incentivizes hiring of immigrants over native workers is taking advantage of their willingness to work for less, which cannot improve GDP.

And now I turn to services for sale. For instance, I buy internet service from AT&T. They employ a number of people who support and/or upgrade their service. I assume they can count their costs to produce and deliver that service. But are they able to count the costs of products (their internet service) ready for sale but unsold? In other words, do they count unsold capacity as an element of GDP?

Who audits the amounts provided to the govt. for calculating GDP?

Well, so much for my doubts about the calculation of GDP. As for the effects of immigration, these people are competing for jobs with native-born Americans. Immigrants accept lower wages than native Americans, a fact well known to the agricultural and technical sectors of the Californian economy. If anything, immigration has the possibility of lowering GDP.


Regarding vaccine mandates at Harvard and other schools: thoughtful parents may redirect their college-age children to schools that do not mandate vaccinations. And thoughtful children may refuse to consider such schools. One can hope.

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