Great coverage and articles. You have to figure that the globalists probably have some dirty laundry to air out on the world leaders who are still pushing the mandatory vax. Perhaps even death threats, these people are killers on a mass level, so a few individual suicides and accidents would not be out of the question. Justin was visibly shaken.

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the seizure of the GoFundMe donations 4 the truckers is just beyond upsetting: should have used a different site anyhow since GoFUCKMe is a leftist cesspool! Ridicolous to put forward cost for police as a pretext: can't b safer than have our Truckers patrouling!

On the other hand, however, it would have made perfect sence to seize all BLM donations to @least pay 4 a fragment of the more than 2 billion dollars of damages that these racist terrorists have caused last year!

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The funds will be distributed for fuel and bar tabs long before the tyrants can win court judgements. The more important question is whether Canadians will learn from this episode that their naive experiments in socialism won't work. I'm confident they know how to deal with dictators.

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