Thank you for the compilation. One note of feedback - please be careful with the titles. Scientists did not “admit that autistic children’s hair has more aluminum” in the article linked (and not in the study that links to).

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All the headlines are posted with their original titles. https://newspunch.com/scientists-admit-hair-of-autistic-babies-is-loaded-with-high-levels-of-aluminum/ you are welcome to contract the authors at News Punch with your feedback.

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Trust in God, not men. Our faith is the only way out of this mess. We all witnessed the power of prayer on that young football player. Now let's engage in the same prayer for the victims of these evil politicians, governments, and megalomaniacs trying to gain control of all of us.

Know your enemy.

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sorry everyone, was praying 🙏for rain ☔️& snow ❄️

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"Remember the Twitter “ER doctors” who claimed hordes of patients were dying daily of COVID? They were fake…"

I'm amazed how many Christians fell for this lie. How they walk in fear and the fear of man. There is very little discernment or wisdom in the Body of Christ. Christians are not walking by faith but by fear. Not in the power or Word of God but in the lies of man...........taking the Clot Shots.................

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