Don't worry Mr. Biden....here in Israel we have plenty of children to smell.

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Maybe we should start an end times countdown clock, like the one that was popular in the previous cold war between US and USSR. We seem to be getting closer to "midnight."

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I find the juxtaposition of men dressed up as women with bugs dressed up as hot dogs rather apt and somewhat amusing.

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I read these articles…If your substack stops suddenly and I’m still here please lioness reach down from the heavens and grab me please.

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I feel sorry for the aide who has to change clueless Joe's diaper.

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there was an episode of Ancient Aliens devoted to the Egyptian Grand Canyon connection... if i remember correctly an early explorer of the canyon located a cavern filled with relics, notified the Smithsonian which returned and crated, removed and denied its existence... subsequent, present day searches hounded by unmarked black military helicopters... also petroglyphs in area strongly indicative of ancient Egyptian presence in region.

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Did Chile just make it illegal to kill zombies?

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Chile president on a 5G congress: " we'll insert thoughts ..." declared, excited

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The world around us is changing at warp speed, try to keep up and not perish with those who look away and ignore what is coming.

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