Happy blessed Sunday 🙏...

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I pray the laser system (Dew) is not used during the storm hitting the west coast . 🙏. They like distractions.

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Gates Foundation Recieved Billions Of Euros In Funding From German Government


"The German government also stated that it “sees no need” to limit 'the influence of private foundations in general.' Instead, the government praised the Gates Foundation because it 'contributes valuable impulses and ideas,'"

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When is starting with "researchers say" that should be a red flag. Like when we see "british scientists say" or the names of vanderbilt, rothchild, rockefeller etc...

Life beyond earth...what about the scientist recognizing they don't have a clue about how life begun on earth.

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“The hostilities between Russia and Ukraine may end up dragging on for years or even decades, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Saturday. For Russia, it is an “existential” conflict and a fight for its very existence, Medvedev, who is currently deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, wrote in a Telegram post. Russia must destroy and fully dismantle the Ukrainian state that is “terrorist in its essence,” making sure “this filth” never re-emerges again, he stressed.”

I empathize with the Russians, because their losses fighting the Nazis were so devastating and horrific. Americans cannot understand what the Russians experienced. See this article by JT Dykman -- https://gcsdstaff.org/harrington/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/The-Soviet-Experience-Stalingrad-Reading.pdf -- if interested.

Why were the Ukrainians so enthusiastic about the siding with and aiding the Nazis? Maybe the answer to that includes why the Americans were so eager to bring unrepentant Nazi war criminals into America’s intelligence agencies.

I think it’s extremely important to NOT establish a false binary or a false dichotomy here. Are the Russians the “good guys” in white hats fighting against Ukrainian Nazi “bad guys” in black hats. It’s a proxy war between NATO + the European Union against the former Soviet Union + the Chinese Communist Party. Who ALWAYS funds both (and all) sides of wars? Who will WIN this current proxy war? It’s always been the financial elites at the apex of the power pyramid. They are the psychopaths, or rather even more psychotic (but still shrewd and wily) than the men and women in powerful positions within governments in both Moscow & DC and NATO and the EU and the CCP.

I personally remain convinced that in geopolitics and in financial political systems (especially the one world communist technocratic & pathocratic financial system) there simply a no, zero, zilch, nada “good guys”.

From the scriptures and from the mouth of Jesus Christ “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.”

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People get a blank look when I ask them if America would tolerate Russia overthrowing Mexico’s government and started arming and training Nazis who then bombed the areas where lots of Americans live. Or if Russia had plans to put nuclear weapons there that could target American cities in minutes which the military couldn’t defend against. If anyone answers of course not I then ask why should Russia accept those conditions in Ukraine.

You are right that we brought some of the worst Nazis from Germany after the war ended during operation paperclip. But we have silently been supporting Nazis in Ukraine since then too. It came out in the open after the brutal coup in 2014. Before the War started Ukraine had the biggest army in Europe with more military equipment than the UK, Germany and France combined. Russia destroyed most of it in months and it’s why the little Z has been on a European begging tour since. A few jets aren’t going to make any difference for Ukraine to win the war. Russia already proved that. Now NATO wants Ukraine to be less death adverse…UFB.

Edited for clarity. I hope.

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Weird how if vaccines are so safe big pharma insisted on immunity from lawsuits because they were going bankrupt because of how many lawsuits they were involved in because people were getting harmed by the vaccines.

Jimmy Dore has a video on how you can’t question what the WHO says on YouTube even if they have shown to have been wrong. It’s not so much the WHO that made the rule, but Bill Gates who is the biggest donor of it. So unelected Gates is setting censorship policy in America? Yep. Gates alone is saying that We the People don’t have the right to use our first amendment right. Wake me up when this dawg and pony show is over!

Fascinating information about Hawaii and the US government. I’ve heard that Washington DC is an organization outside of actual America. I’m not sure how to look into this. Anyone have some ideas?

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