The U.S. government has finally paid out money to compensate covid vaccine injury claims.

In doing so, the government admits that harm was done by the shots.


The government needs to prioritize injury compensation instead of promoting and administering these unproven and harmful experimental shots to the general populous.

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More great coverage of our quickly changing dystopia. Thank you.

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The extinction article mentions permaculture.

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I like it.

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Thanks Lioness.

The horse poop and the dimming of the sun got my attention among the dystopian bonanza.

The former because Alex Epstein talked about it a lot in his book Fossil Future. Talked about how it causes significant health problems in those areas still relying on it, mostly the 3rd world. The...not quite irony...tragedy maybe...of the 1st world regressing so, based on a psychosis, is chilling (pardon the pun).

Blocking sunlight. The same psychopaths who brought us poisons in everything now want us to trust them to manage this made up issue of warming as though the earth and its systems were a fridge thermostat?

Even if they didn't want to, odds are that they will botch it, block photosynthesis and eliminate life on this planet. The arrogance to even presume they could control such a global experiment, with ~8B lives on the line!

Because of plant food and cyclical temperature trends impervious to human impact? The planet is about to cool significantly, regardless of anything we could do. The evidence is out there, actual evidence of the cycles.

If we don't deal with these monsters, they will kill us all.

As evidenced by the GoF where they made a really lethal Omicron. And the fact Eco Health is funded to again go bat hunting for viruses. We know how these songs go, now. That the system is still approving certifiably insane experiments and bioweapons research tells us nothing has been learned. Moreover it tells us that what has happened to this point was planned to happen. There are no ripples in the swamp. If it wasn't the plan there would be a disturbance by the swamp creatures.

Peace. For what it's worth.

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Every object in the universe has a measurable albedo, defining its reflectivity. The earth receives 240 watts per square meter every day averaged over the planet, night and day. Some is absorbed, some reflected from clouds, snow, water, deserts, depending on their respective reflectivity. No reason we can't manipulate that to maintain whatever perfect temperature is desired.

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Some interesting stories, thanks. Those pills on the stove look like props. The lightening does appear to come from the volcano. Interesting talk on Halloween and witchcraft. Have to read the Expose story later.

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I despise Halloween.

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