If WEF agents are talking like that out loud, in public, imagine what insanities they're hatching in private.

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It's too generous to say 86% of twits are smarter than Health Canada about vax risk. If they were simply ignorant that would leave room for education and a happy future. They do know better. They're doing it on purpose. The only question is whether they're purposely harming Canadians because of routine financial corruption or callous obedience to higher political authority. In either case, Canada desperately needs to change their government.

Two things need to happen in Canada and many other countries to delay the onset of end times: we need to remove and punish authorities at every level responsible for, or collaborating with, the destructive oppressions, and we must then reduce the scope and influence of governments to prevent them doing it again. Power naturally grows, and will become overwhelmingly evil soon, if not already.

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Nawaz substak go Pakis protesting truckerstyle globalist gov takeover

Disappointed Macron was not overturned. We will have waves of bioweapon,propaganda food scarcity while people don't have a clue nor do people know how to protect ourselves. Trust was an underlying tenant of society does not exist but it not widely believed L.ife not looking so hopeful. Turncoats apply here.

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Hilarious. Tribalists fighting amongst themselves as the whole Ukraine thing falls apart…

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"This morning, on one of the WEF’s live-streamed panels, Alibaba Holdings President J. Michael Evans claimed that the company is working on an app that could track an individual users carbon footprint."

Not mine. Never had a StupidPhone, never will. Why not just hand yourself over to the New World Order?

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Z must have some powerful backers as no beggars can afford to be that crude and rude.

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With BungaBungaPox around? Nyet! Nyet!

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UN Agenda 21-2030 GOALS


 One World Government

 One globally controlled cashless currency

 One global central bank

 One global military

 The end of national sovereignty

 End All privately owned properties (except some elites)

 End of the family unit

 Depopulation, control of population growth and density

 Endless mandatory quackcines

 Universal basic income (austerity)

 Microchipped society (for trade, travel, tracking and control)

 Implementation of a world social credit system

 Internet of things (IOT), everything hooked to 5G monitoring including your body

 Government raised children

 Government owned and controlled schools (education)

 End private transportation (no more owning cars,…)

 All businesses owned by government/corporations

 Restriction of non-essential air travel

 Settlement zones (concentration of humans in cities only)

 End of private farms livestock and irrigation

 Restricted land use, end of single family homes

 Ban on natural non synthetic drugs and medicines


You will own nothing and be Happy!!!


World Enslavement Foundation (WEF) Cult.



Cult Leader


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Nostradamus, I pray people wake up.

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Oh vey!

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