GOD bless you - this is Spiritual warfare - good vs evil - good/GOD wins in the end ...

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Re Parkinsons, the growing evidence of vax induced brain damage explains the persistent enthusiasm for vaxing harder. We've also seen reports that the spikes also induce increases in the amyloid accumulation and tau tangles that accompany alzheimers. These brain deteriorations take years to become clinically evident, though there are noticable impacts on cognition for years before clinical diagnosis. We're likely to see sharp increases in dementia in coming years. It will be interesting to see whether the demented majority will declare the competent minority to be the demented ones, or will the sane ones regain control of the asylum. So far, the lunatics seem to be in charge.

Definitive diagnosis requires brain autopsy. We need to make brain autopsy a routine post mortem action in order to quantify the risk.

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The Trimble article is so disturbing, but it’s ok to put folks in prison for singing hymns and protesting at an outpatient clinic in Lee County Tennessee??? https://www.theblaze.com/news/tennessee-pro-life-activists-arrested-charged-doj-abortion#toggle-gdpr

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Re Shellenberger, everyone should read that article. Especially Europeans. The results of the climate panic will become much clearer to the world this winter, as we watch Europe collapse. This will be a direct result of the environmental fanaticism that has stampeded much of the world to suicidal hysteria. Europe created their own destruction, but they had a lot of enablers. Most people understand that a theoretical temperature increase of a degree or two per century is not a serious problem, but our comfort and arrogance allows us to tolerate the fanatics who want to starve us now.

Mark Steyn is familiar with Europe, spending a lot of time there, and with the climate scam, having published several books on it. I asked him recently whether he thinks Europeans understand their climate fetish is the direct cause for their looming catastrophe. He doesn't think most of them have made the connection. So much easier to just blame Putin.

Much better to blame Joe.

The looming disaster in Europe, and probably everywhere to lesser degrees, will dispatch the climate scam to the dustbin of history, marking yet another mass formation event that drives many to temporary insanity. Some will recognize it, some will need some help. Tell your friends.

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Perhaps these are the end times. Keep your faith strong and remember what happens in this world stays in this world, we won't. There is an existence after this one.

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Prepare for maximum carnage!

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Agree with you on that.

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