Once again, totally blown away by your compendium. Roar, Lioness, Roar!

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“They’ve convinced the public through propaganda to believe that a sore throat, achy joints, and fatigue are completely unacceptable. With the same propaganda they convinced the public to believe that heart attacks, strokes, blood clots and DIE SUDDENLY are acceptable. This is the power of mind control, brainwashing, and propaganda……”

-Jason Christoff

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Incredibly distopian, all the articles this mroning. Oh dear.

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This world is going to hell...I see no cure for it...

Thank you for the news!

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You don't see the cure?

I can see it:

 "The Elites are Planning to Kill Billions of People" -- Prime Minister of Malaysia (2015)

“The Peace of the Graveyard” - Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad


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I would see a cure if you would show me an article like " Billions of people are planning to kill the elites" ....

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The people are the carbon footprint to be reduced in order to cure climate change!

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Is not our story climate change.

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And the good news?😊

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Well, the woodchucks are rather annoying so I am fencing it all up to avoid the food dearth apocalypse! Otherwise, no apocalypse in my backyard, lots and lots of food to eat despite the fascists and their bug factories.

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So why is a woodchuck okay but bugs are not? A trip to an Indian or Thai or other South Asian restaurant, or Chinese or Japanese or Arab or any other, demonstrates that people eat differently. Those who think traditional American cuisine is the only way to eat should broaden their knowledge of the world.

Our bodies require calories for energy and an array of nutrients to maintain our physiology. We adapt to available sources of these nutrients to develop enzymes and symbiotic micro organisms and other mechanisms to metabolize those nutrients. Adapting to new cultures often causes discomfort. Those who adapt survive. Those who don't, don't. It's important to learn to adapt, whether we need to or not. Someday, we might need to.

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The obvious difference is limiting choices and factories versus culture.

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Factories adapt, too. They produce what the culture wants. When they try to introduce something new, attempting to alter the culture, they usually fail.

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I don't believe factories will exist in the near future as they require energy.

I do think you are on to something as mixing local microbes would produce an internal war.

I have a backyard teaming with microbes and nutrients and the food is dense enough I only really have to eat once a day - you won't get that out of a factory farm or processor.

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How frequently we need to eat is mostly a function of how much energy we expend. But some foods, like simple carbs, digest quicker. And hunger isn't really a gas gauge indicating absolute level but hormone signaling, which is more complex than a mechanical gauge. Those signals are inhibited more by some foods than others. A regular schedule seems to work best.

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Grehlin is the hormone, I have successfully adapted to hardly having it anymore. I absolutely don't cotton up to this carb/energy equation. Its all about agribusiness marketing.

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Jul 26, 2022
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Our bodies evolved to prefer meat. Most people want meat. Many can't afford it. The culture adapts to get used to what's available, and to like what they're used to. We could raise enough cattle to feed steak to 8 or 10 billion or more, but the cost would be high. A lot of people don't want to be productive enough to afford that cost. And a lot of governments demotivate their people from becoming that productive. Usually not to oppress the people but to support their own greed. Their people are their cattle. So, yeah, sometimes it's purposeful, directly or indirectly. But it's always within the capabilities of every human to become wealthy enough to afford meat, and to remove bad governments. The goal of every successful society is to motivate everyone to be able to eat anything they want.

There was a little store next to my junior high that sold little tins of chocolate covered ants. We liked them to tease the girls, but they weren't bad. I think of that whenever I have a Nestles Crunch chocolate bar. They use crispy rice instead of ants, but it tastes about the same.

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Re the "Trainloads of Armour..." story on the Hal Turner Radio show, which speculates:

"The conquest of the complete rest of Ukraine will be a simple task for Russia at that point but here's the rub:

What Russia will "conquer" will be a rump welfare state. A failed land area, incapable of supporting itself. The whole thing will have to be reconstructed and that will be a gigantic financial burden upon Russia, not to mention the saboteurs, terrorists, and troublemakers that the west will undoubtedly utilize to make things all that much harder for Russia. The "war" will be over. Russia will have won. But the victory will be made as sour as possible by the West."

This requires an assumption about what territory it seeks to claim. Just because it may keep pushing the front as go into Odessa does not mean, at all, that Russia will keep more than it wants or can handle.

As per Mearsheimer and Cohen's seemingly correct predictions that are over 8 years old, one of the objectives is the sacking/wrecking of Ukraine to make it economically and militarily unattractive to the EU and NATO, and in both respects, that is being achieved. The Crimean landbridge, DPR and LPR were the primary stated objectives. If Odessa is added to that, so be it. Nothing says Russia has to try to hold more than that. It could just pull back and leave the smoking remains for Ukraine's "allies" to deal with, or it could tactically reconstruct.

As for how Russia funds any reconstruction of DPR, LPR and other territory it takes, this has been obvious from the start. DPR is sitting on 1 trillion cubic metres of frackable gas. What's the price of gas these days? And the demand levels? If only that bit of Ukraine had one or more deep water ports to ship LNG from, and/or access to a pipeline network...

The irony of this is that Ukraine as a whole nation could have accessed that gas and benefitted from it, but the ruling elite didn't want to get at it in an acceptable way and now Russia has all that gas.

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Russia doesn't care much about Ukraine. Conquerors seldom care about those they conquer. Strategically they wanted a buffer to protect them from NATO aggression. The NATO response has confirmed their fears. Ukraine resources are a bonus, buffering the cost of the conquest.

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Jul 25, 2022
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I’m a Flat earth believer! Seriously, look into it. TPTB have used mind control for our entire lives….

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You should read more.

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Jul 25, 2022
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Not all reading has equal value.

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