Thank you for your continued work to keep us informed!

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particularly enjoyed the data on temperature anomalies which take into account urban heat pollution. been looking for that.

great job as always collating data.

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so Revelation Council ‘Net Zero’ objective is to treat humans as trespassers on earth, fine them ‘Carbon Tax’ for the ‘sin’ of living.

total con job.

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I actually grow food and sequester carbon into the soil, which is the most important element to increasing soil fertility. I also plant trees. You ought to see me disrupt their meetings and interviews because I am now not a trespasser, they are.

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biden didn't get covid twice the paxlovid stops the replication for 4 or 5 days. but since his immune system is screwed it comes back.... whoops

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I don't believe it. He has dementia and his handlers are trying to keep him away from the cameras so he will not make a fool of himself.

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I agree. The gaslighting is beyond belief. That they would keep pushing both a jab and a pill THAT DON’T WORK proves they think we are expendable idiots

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Unfortunately, they're right -- most people are idiots about their health. The real crime is the medical industry being unified to hide the truth from the population. Peter McCullough estimated 10% of doctors willing to speak out and protect their patients. Many doctors really don't know any better, and blindly follow the bureaucratic standards. Some do know better but maintain solidarity with the bureaucratic standards to protect themselves. Their pampered lifestyles are more important than your health. We need malpractice suits to correct them. Lots and lots of lawsuits.

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Aren’t you assuming fair, knowledgeable judges? With like minded attorneys.

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Some are better than others. Lawyers respond to social pressures like everyone else. Just a few weak cases and they continue their imperious attitudes. Flood the dockets with serious complaints and their survival instincts kick in. As Deace preaches, we're not a nation of laws, we're a nation of political wills.

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