The video of the Canadian truckers seems to have been censored. It comes up that the page does not exist. The Jordan Peterson interview with Joe Rogan link only will show comments. Video never shows up to play. 🤔
The video of the Canadian truckers seems to have been censored. It comes up that the page does not exist. The Jordan Peterson interview with Joe Rogan link only will show comments. Video never shows up to play. 🤔
The video of the Canadian truckers seems to have been censored. It comes up that the page does not exist. The Jordan Peterson interview with Joe Rogan link only will show comments. Video never shows up to play. 🤔
Yes, looks like the trucker video was removed from tweeter. The Peterson video opens fine for me, try again:
Thank-you! I don't have a clue why it wouldn't come up, but it's happy now. I appreciate your patience and help.
You are welcome!