DESPICABLE: Trudeau denounces convoy, says only compliance can ensure return of freedoms
Speaking at a press conference on January 26, PM Justin Trudeau called the millions supporting the freedom convoy organized by everyday truckers a "fringe minority," adding that only by complying with the government can Canadians regain their rights and freedoms.
"The small, fringe minority of people are on their way to Ottawa, who are holding unacceptable views that they're expressing, do not represent the views of Canadians who have been there for each other, who know that following the science, and stepping up to protect each other is the best way to continue to ensure our freedoms, our rights, our values, as a country," Trudeau stated, visibly shaken by the sheer number of freedom-loving Canadians coming to Ottawa to demand he stops the insanity.

Canada in REVOLT HUGE convoy of 50K Canadian trucks & 1.4 MILLION PEOPLE headed to Ottawa to camp outside Parliament until Trudeau resigns over his COVID TYRANNY

AN URGENT WARNING The world's most mRNA vaccinated countries now have shockingly high Covid infection rates. Hospitalizations and deaths are rising fast too. The mRNA experiment needs to stop. Immediately.
With 'Patient Zero' Identified, What Do You Want To Bet That Truck Was Headed Straight To One Of Dr. Anthony Fauci's Secret Labs, Where The 'Embolus Variant' Is Being Cooked Up?
- 'They Found Another Way To Get A Plague Into America, Accidentally, On Purpose'
While most Americans are now aware of the recent truck crash in Pennsylvania that left several lab monkeys briefly running free off of State Route 54 in Danville, PA, about 130 miles northwest of Philadelphia, that story took a turn for the worse when we learned that a driver who stopped to help made the huge mistake of putting her hand inside one of the cages, with the driver claiming she now has a cough and pink eye and is 'feeling ill' after one of the macaques actually 'hissed' in her face.
Sounding to us, and apparently many others, like a scenario straight out of the movies "12 Monkeys" and "Contagion", the commenters on that Daily Mail story hit the nail on the head, with the top-voted comment on the story stating simply: "There she is, Patient Zero".
And three of the top-voted replies to that comment also warned of a scenario that seemed to spring straight from those sci-fi/horror movies, with one pointing straight back to, you guessed it, Dr. Anthony Fauci!
Analysis By German Prof: “Thousands Of Hidden Deaths Daily” May Be Greatest Medical Debacle In Human History
Shocking mortality data from Germany, Austria, Israel, England: thousands of post-vaccine non-Covid deaths covered up – miscategorized as unvaccinated deaths…”extremely alarming situation”
“Thousands are dying of the vaccine daily without us even being aware of it.”
University of Regensberg Professor Christof Kuhbandner uncovered what he calls an extremely alarming situation, one where thousands and thousands of vaccine deaths are being hidden in the statistics.
England report sets off alarms
According to this Austrian report broadcast by, Prof. Kuhbandner happened to come across a recent preprint study in the journal ResearchGate, where the authors examined the UK ONS vaccine mortality surveillance report.
Although at first glance the all-cause mortality appeared far lower in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated, on closer inspection they found fundamental inconsistencies and anomalies in the data and that there had been a “systemic miscategorization of deaths between the different categories of unvaccinated and vaccinated” among other factors.
For the period of calendar weeks 1-38, 2021, Figures 8 and 9 show strong peaks in non-Covid mortality for the unvaccinated 60-69 and 70-79 age groups while the mortality among the vaccinated stayed steady.
U.S. Delivers Written Response to Russia Treaty Proposals; Russian Senator says "Washington is heading for direct confrontation and starting global confrontation"
The United States has delivered its written response to Russia's Treaty Proposals regarding Russia's security concerns. It appears things have just gone from bad to worse. Russia Senator Dzhabarov says "U.S. response to Russian proposals shows Washington is heading for direct confrontation and starting global confrontation."
Speaking publicly, US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken revealed the US response was delivered by Ambassador Sullivan, directly to Moscow. He went on to say the US is NOT MAKING PUBLIC what its response is, and expects the same from Russia.
Blinken began his remarks with a lie, by saying the US has delivered its written response "over a crisis instigated by Russia's build=up of troops on the Ukraine border." That is factually inaccurate. Ukraine built-up 80,000- 100,000 troops FIRST, along the borders of Luhansk and Donetsk, and Russia merely responded to that build up.
PREPARING THE ZOMBIE APOCALYSE: US lab Alcor Life Extension Foundation keeps frozen bodies and heads of 200 people in hope they can be brought back to life
A lab is holding the bodies and heads of 200 people in the hope that they can be brought to life in the future.
The Alcor Life Extension Foundation offers the hope that science and technology will advance to the stage where the deceased can be brought back to life.
Alcor will freeze a whole body for around $200,000 or the just the head and brain, for $80,000 in a process known as cryonics.
How A Tiny NATO Country Went Rogue & May Prevent War With Russia
The President of Croatia has gone rogue! He's trying to prevent war over Ukraine. It just might work. For background, it was already clear that the alliance was divided over how involved to be in Ukraine. America, the U.K., Poland, and the Baltic states were transferring weapons. But Germany refused to let any German-made weapons enter the conflict zone.
Then President Biden put 8,500 troops on "high alert" – and warned he might deploy 50,000 to Eastern Europe. The question was... would NATO stand behind this ramping up of pressure? Or would troop deployments on the border of the conflict fracture the alliance?
We now have a preliminary answer, thanks to Croatia's President. "Croatia will not send any troops in case of an escalation," said Zoran Milanović. "On the contrary, it will recall all troops [from NATO], to the last Croatian soldier!"
DJ Ferguson: Gravely ill Father-Of-Two Denied Heart Transplant For Not Being Vaccinated
A man who is fighting for his life at a Boston hospital is no longer eligible for a heart transplant because he is not vaccinated against COVID-19, reports CBS Boston. According to the family members, DJ Furguson was once on the list to receive a heart at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, but due to his vaccination status, he has been removed.
According to his father, DJ does not believe in the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine.
“It’s kind of against his basic principles, he doesn’t believe in it. It’s a policy they are enforcing and so because he won’t get the shot, they took him off the list of a heart transplant. My son has gone to the edge of death to stick to his guns and he’s been pushed to the limit.”
Ferguson, a father-of-two with a third on the way, may be moved to another hospital by his family, but his father fears that he is too weak to be relocated.
Alberta Canada Inadvertently Published (and Quickly Deleted) Health Data Exposing that MORE THAN HALF of VACCINATED DEATHS Have Been COUNTED AS UNVACCINATED
n yet another absolute bombshell revelation the government of Alberta, Canada exposed itself this week when it accidentally published damning evidence that exposes how the public health authorities have been manipulating the Covid-19 statistics.
After seemingly realizing what it had just done, the corrupt Canadian province quickly scrambled to delete the incriminating data off their website, but, thanks to internet sleuths like Twitter user Metatron – and his substack post, we have the receipts.
Maryland county school CEO suggests students will be required to wear masks until 'COVID no longer exists'
Prince George's County Public Schools’ CEO says she hasn't been thinking about a 'maskless classroom' anytime soon
he leader of a Maryland county school district indicated that students will be required to wear masks on school grounds and in classrooms until "COVID no longer exists."
"I have not been thinking about a maskless classroom," Prince George's County Public Schools' CEO Monica Goldson said in Capitol Heights, WTOP reported. "The only classroom I’ve been thinking about is one where teaching and learning takes places from the time the kids walk in until the time they leave."
Top American Medical Journal Study Confirms the Risk of Myocarditis and Pericarditis After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccines – Risks is Highest After Second Vaccine in Adolescent Males and Young Men
A new study released on Tuesday by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) revealed the development of myocarditis and pericarditis after mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccination which is highest in adolescent males and young men.
The study was based on the data from VAERS on reported cases of myocarditis that occurred after receiving the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine between December 2020 and August 2021 in 192, 405 ,448 individuals older than 12 years of age in the US. These data were processed by VAERS as of September 30, 2021.
United Airlines pilot says she's blocked from finding job or accessing 401k for refusing vaccine
A United Airlines captain who is on unpaid leave for not complying with her company’s vaccine mandate says she has been locked out of her 401(k) and is prohibited from finding another job.
"I am out on unpaid leave. I am prohibited from getting another job. I'm prohibited from accessing my 401(k). I have no medical benefits, and I'm leading the charge in this fight, so my days are consumed," United pilot Sherry Walker, co-founder of Airline Employees 4 Health Freedom, told the Daily Signal while attending the "Defeat the Mandates" march in Washington, D.C., on Sunday.
US and Israel hold strategic talks on Iran
US National Security Adviser tells Israelis the US is committed to diplomacy on Iran, but is preparing other options.
As nuclear negotiations in Vienna get closer to a decision point, the US and Israel held strategic talks on Iran Wednesday led by their respective national security advisers, Israeli and US officials told Barak Ravid of Axios.
The officials said the secure video conference included discussions of the state of play in Vienna and the strategy moving forward.
During the talks, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan emphasized that while the US is committed to diplomacy, it is preparing other options to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon should negotiations fail, the White House said in a statement.
The Prime Minister's Office declined to comment for this story.
Syria, Russia start joint air force patrols near Israeli border
Russian Defense Ministry says patrol included Golan Heights, southern border of Syria, Euphrates River and northern Syria; ministry says patrols will be carried out on a regular basis and will include practicing of air attacks and maneuvers
Syrian and Russian military jets on Monday jointly patrolled the airspace along Syria's borders, including the armistice line with Israel, and plan to make such flights regular, Russia's defense officials said.
According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the path of the patrol included the Israeli and Syrian Golan Heights that has seen regular Israeli air strikes against suspected Iranian and Hezbollah positions.
Famed Psychologist Jordan Peterson Tells Joe Rogan Why the Bible Is ‘Way More True Than Just True’
They Refuse To Believe The Truth Even When It Is Right In Front Of Their Eyes
Truth is often stranger than fiction, and some people will never accept the truth no matter how much evidence you show them. In this article, I am going to discuss two brand new discoveries that are radically shaking up how scientists view human history.
Many of the experts are having a really tough time explaining these new discoveries, because they seem to directly contradict long established narratives that have been taught as “truth” to young students for decades. Unfortunately, we live at a time when narratives have become more important than facts, and scientific authorities have shown that they will go to great lengths to ensure that their most important narratives are carefully preserved.
Last week, news that a “new species of ancient human” had been identified in China made headlines all over the globe. According to CBS News, the fossilized skull that has created such a fuss is “gigantic”…
A gigantic fossilized skull that was hidden in a well in China for 90 years has just been discovered by scientists — and it’s making them rethink human evolution.
The skull was originally found in 1933 by Chinese laborers building a bridge in Harbin, a northern Chinese city, during the Japanese occupation, researchers said. To prevent the skull from falling into Japanese hands, it was wrapped and hidden in an abandoned well. It was only rediscovered in 2018 when the old man who originally hid it told his grandson, shortly before his death.
In order to support a “gigantic fossilized skull”, a body that is also “gigantic” in size would be required.
As usual, I love your summary. Thank you! ❤️
The video of the Canadian truckers seems to have been censored. It comes up that the page does not exist. The Jordan Peterson interview with Joe Rogan link only will show comments. Video never shows up to play. 🤔