From the Teresa Long article: "Dr. Long estimates there are “200,000 to 400,000 military members who are not vaccinated,” and the Pentagon and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin have threatened to kick them all out of the service.  Are the military leaders this stupid, this compromised or simply committing treason?"

My bet is its both, stupid and treasonous. If any of us survive Joe's regime it will be a miracle. Those who survive will need to learn mandarin to beg for food from their new masters. Pray for miracles.

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The DOD, Murderna & Schizer are all working on the same projects worldwide. The DOD produce deadly pathogens and they produce quackcines.

The D.O.D has been using soldiers as the guinea pigs of the Drugs Industrial Complex for decades. C-19 quackcine is not an exception.

 United States D.O.D issued a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 months before COVID-19 officially existed


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None if those are monoliths. There are a few psychopaths in most organization. Our recent problems have been because the normal rank and file have lost the courage to correct the misbehavior in their midst.

Ben Franklin taught that only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters. We've forgotten many lessons that sustained our ancestors.

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Clicking through to the expose-news site for the article on ambulance calls in UK is startling. That data shows almost double the cardiac calls in the year since we've been herded to vax. Assuming expose-news reported accurately and assuming the NHS data is accurate, and assuming there's not another reason, like angst over brexit or climate or pronouns, that seems to be a strong case for vax dangers, and apparent coverup by the government. I wonder if other countries are seeing the same outcomes.

Also, expose-news is being robbed by pay-pal. I wonder why so many allegedly private companies like goog (master of pay-pal) and twit and face and others would voluntarily conspire with such crimes. I wonder why anyone with any integrity still uses them.

Strange times, indeed. Hopefully not end times.

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A local radio station obituaries are much longer than normal for months and months, soon, I think, they will be much shorter than normal.

The global elite has no idea about what they are doing relying on the movement of stars to make decisions.

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"There are none so blind than those who can and refuse to see." Unknown to me.

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