Headline -- GOD lives in the TRUTH - Good/GOD Wins . . .

Thank you for your commitment to being a Truth Warrior - so very much appreciate your articles ...

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"Off with their heads" seems eerily familiar.

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Why don't we dust off those old Pershing II missiles, complete with nuke warheads and send them to Ukraine. Hell, they would still be better than anything the Ruskies have now (maneuvering warheads in the 80s) and we could get this toe to toe nuclear combat in full gear.

And I remind Putin, the Ukes didn't sign the INF Treaty.

Just a reminder, but Gorby broke the treaty before he ever signed it with hidden SS-23 missiles with nuclear warheads hidden in several occupied east European countries.

Clearly, these people are insane, or perhaps worse.

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Their agenda is unraveling as the truth gets out. Sunshine is always the best sanitizer. Keep being truth tellers and not complying. Question everything they say or do. This is how they lose and we win.

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It’s so sad they are promoting lies, there are no pandemics, only contrived control, there is no climate change, only climate manipulation and there are no terrorists but THEM. OMYGOODNESS!!!

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Biden tells Saudi Arabia to wait till after midterms to squeeze us . Wake up people. Oh I forgot , we aren’t people, we are useless eaters.

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And yet there are IDIOTS who will vote for Demonrats?!?!?!?!?!!?

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Blows my mind Russ D, not really , we know who they worship .

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🙀Halloween is Everyday🙀

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Good one Kitten !!

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