February 10 2023
Lot of good stuff. Thank you! The chitin story in particular... How on earth Biden, AFTER all what people know and what is documented by now, is still in White House, is a mystery to me!!!
Hell isn’t hot enough for Bourla ect ....I admire the journalist bravery .
He belongs in an orange jumpsuit.
With chains around ankles and wrists
Yes, you need the bling too. 😃
Lot of good stuff. Thank you! The chitin story in particular... How on earth Biden, AFTER all what people know and what is documented by now, is still in White House, is a mystery to me!!!
Hell isn’t hot enough for Bourla ect ....I admire the journalist bravery .
He belongs in an orange jumpsuit.
With chains around ankles and wrists
Yes, you need the bling too. 😃