You canโ€™t make this news up Lioness . May the Lord hear our prayers and pleas. ๐Ÿ™

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Yet the US is going all spastic because of the CCP being in Cuba.

"do as I say, not as I do"

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Can't we just put all these dim witted leaders in a ring to slug it out???

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I like how the Romanians did it with Mr. and Mrs. Ceausescu in 1989. No muss, no fuss. Just โ€œbang.โ€

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If these cluster bombs are used or a nuclear power plant is attacked, I suspect there will be huge problems.

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I wish I knew what NATO was thinking. Russia has nukes and could use them.

If my territory was attacked by LRMs, I would nuke any and all countries that attacked me.

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That seems to be where they are headed.

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