I see the circus is still in town:).

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Constantly speaking every 4-5 hrs is constant to Biden ??

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What a joke

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Jo(k)e Biden? 😄

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He thinks working and having contact with his people every 4-5 hrs is working …. You can bleed out by then . He’s a disgrace…

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Maybe to himself?

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No one else listens to him:).

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Will it be an act of treason to not think of Putin and Russia as the former USSR?

We've exported most of our industry to China, and they're our enemy?

Both Israel (a picture of Judah) and the USA (a similitude of Israel) are backslidden.

The commonwealth of Israel is all of the whole house of Israel... scattered among all the nations.

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Iran is on the verge of having nuclear weapons. If Iran were to attack Israel now, before the nuclear weapons are ready, Israel would most likely retaliate and Iran would suffer a setback on their efforts to have the nuclear weapons. Iran will delay until it has the nuclear capability.

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There is no doubt Obiden and Ovomit are lying about their involvement, plus remember when Obiden kept talking about their involvement with the Nordstream attack! They want World War III! First they need to hit Obiden’s home in Delaware and Ovomits in Martha’s Vineyard!!

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Turfseer’s Top 20 Hits. Listen to the “Scamdemic Collection” of songs and music videos chronicling the lunacy of the Covid years. Hits including “The Virus is my God,” “The Ballad of Typhoid Mary,” “Pod People Barbecue,” “Sheeple University,” Trust the Science Rag,” and much more. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/turfseers-top-20-hits

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Moneypox - it's all about the money.

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