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Aug 10
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Good point. It's a peculiar virus all right:).

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check out and read carefully a petition at citizengo.org..break free from un control reject the international health regulations..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide on all platforms and alternative outlets it currently has over 23000 signatures

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Expecting a headline soon:

Putin Goes Ballistic! 😀

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“This is crazy”

not at all. scripted. only one script to memorize/read. lessening the chance of going off script. they know she’s an idiot. compensation is a mitigation technique.

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There was no virus - rebranded flu at best. And they are still using the fraudulent d PCR to create mpox. I recently watched a video about f Dr Lee Merritt praising super computers. Apparently you put every genomic sequence known to man, that would be human and animal then you put every medication approved by the FDA in and gee whiz out pops the disease and the “cure “ - warp speed and indeed!!!!

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There are no words for our government sticking their nose where they shouldn't be! KEEP OUR MONEY AND AMMUNITION OUT OF UKRAINE.

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