The PLANdemic revealed that many, if not most, doctors turned out to be whores looking for a government and Big Pharma handout and also cowards who followed the CDC, FDA and AMA guidelines that were often harmful to their patients.
The PLANdemic revealed that many, if not most, doctors turned out to be whores looking for a government and Big Pharma handout and also cowards who followed the CDC, FDA and AMA guidelines that were often harmful to their patients.
More than that, their training is limited to recognizing symptoms and prescribing standard care. Most really aren't capable of tailoring therapies, and the few who are, know their professional success depends on sticking with the script. The real villains aren't the doctors, who are just mechanics following a manual, but their bosses who write the manual.
The PLANdemic revealed that many, if not most, doctors turned out to be whores looking for a government and Big Pharma handout and also cowards who followed the CDC, FDA and AMA guidelines that were often harmful to their patients.
More than that, their training is limited to recognizing symptoms and prescribing standard care. Most really aren't capable of tailoring therapies, and the few who are, know their professional success depends on sticking with the script. The real villains aren't the doctors, who are just mechanics following a manual, but their bosses who write the manual.