Just stand in line and get your Jab, and when the digital ID comes just take it, and spend those Digital Dollars that they will track every move you make. You think maybe it's all a joke, well in every G7 Nation they're pushing this now in one form or another, when America falls it's over. If people do not rise up in unison soon, it will be far too late to stop this.

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You've given us a verbal collage of the dangers facing all of us. The far-ranging articles had me on a roller-coaster.

The name Robert Kiyosaki caught my eye and I was immediately repelled. Years ago, I was involved in two different multi-level marketing schemes that both used RICH DAD POOR DAD as a marketing tool. Suffice to say, in my opinion, Kiyosaki is a miserable person who hates his father and, like Rachel Dolezal, put his fanaticism above his family.

Apparently, the old S.O.B. is still with us and expelling CO2; but that's irrelevant.

The article that hit me the hardest was the one entitled, "With America already going through the 10 stages of genocide, doctors warn we’re about to see one of the biggest die-offs of all time". Beneath the headline is a hard-hitting article posted by NATURAL NEWS. Embedded in that was:

an article by Stefan Stanford republished from AllNewsPipeline.com. Stanford explains that there are ten steps to genocide and the USA is on the ninth step, now.

I don't understand the banking news; but I'm sure it's awful.

While showing us how the USA and NATO have opted to waste its resources by supporting the Nazi government of Ukraine, no mention is made of the fact that almost no one in Kiev (I refuse to use the "new" spelling) has power or heat.

Victoria Nuland and Brandon are intentionally destroying that nation in their fanatical and desperate attempt to destabilize Russia and overthrow Putin.

"While today’s Democrats love to portray themselves as ‘for the people,’ as former US Congresswoman and US military Veteran Tulsi Gabbard recently warned, Joe Biden and Adolf Hitler share the same mindset, and that, ‘for the people of America,’ is a disaster in the making.

"...the mere fact that Tulsi Gabbard just removed herself from the ‘party of insane,’ and is a US Veteran, is a good thing for America in that it leads us to ask, how many more people in the US military are awake and aware and using that fine ‘tool of discernment‘ to cut through the BS they are being sold? For the sake of all future generations of Americans, we hope there are many of them who are able to see the ‘enemies of America within‘ we were warned about long ago.

And as we’ll see here in this next portion of the 10 Stages of Genocide we’re looking at, stage 9 or ‘active extermination,’ once it begins in earnest, the only thing that can put a stop to it is ‘rapid and overwhelming armed intervention.’ The words of Genocide Watch, not ours. We absolutely pray it never comes to that. And with part of stage 9 also being the destruction of a group’s religion, we’d argue the globalists war upon Christianity happening now is exactly that. Once again, from that Genocide Watch story.


Stay tuned - and keep posting, Bert.

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Excellent reporting. Knowledge is power. Thank you.

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You so right it is getting weirder but then so much more clear at the same time.


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Again, terrifying but greatly appreciated. Will be thinking all day about these.

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Much to digest here. This is going to be a wild ride.Thanks again for your efforts.

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🙏🏻 ❤️

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