I really do not like either side of leadership in this war and I am an anti war veteran. This does not make me an expert, but my opinion is that this invasion by Russia could have been avoided by both sides. Russia invaded a sovereign country and that is a fact, Innocent civilians are being killed wounded and forced out of their homes and country. There are no good guys creating this situation. Time for an unconditional cease fire by both sides. If one side announced they were going to do it, it might embarrass the other side into it. The worst thing that would happen if it did not work is the business of destruction and killing would go back to normal. End of rant and thank your for humoring my personal opinion.

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Has anyone else noticed that RT articles always include one or more of the current MSM memes as though they are irrefutable facts? RT is just another MSM outlet and should be regarded as such.

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Great Overview of Good/Bad News, don't need TV any more while saving money!!! THANK YOU.

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Ukrainian soldiers surrounded by sandbags. Wow this us a serious “war”. One crisis after another. As they say in the business world, “timing is everything”. What do you think will follow the Ukraine/russia “crisis”?

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