Economic Forum Declares Pedophiles ‘Will Save Humanity’

Fact checked

January 3, 2023 Baxter Dmitry 45 Comments

A controversial initiative being promoted in the corridors of power by Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum in Davos is set to have families and anyone who cares about children up in arms.



A controversial initiative being promoted in the corridors of power by Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum in Davos is set to have families and anyone who cares about children up in arms.

The World Economic Forum is now calling for the decriminalization of sex with children, arguing that laws against “age gap love,” more commonly known as pedophilia, “violate human rights.”


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Rather than being a scourge, the pedophilia epidemic that is sweeping the world is actually “nature’s gift” to humanity, according to Klaus Schwab whose World Economic Forum has declared that pedophiles are being created by nature in increasingly large numbers for a reason.

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According to a research paper presented at the WEF in Davos, the pedophile phenomenon represents nature’s attempt to cleanse the earth and “save humanity” from itself. Minor attracted people are far less likely to produce large numbers of offspring, according to academic data, and the so-called “underage people” they have so-called “relationships” with are statistically less likely to go on and become heads of large families themselves.

This appeals to the WEF and their vision of destroying the family unit and depopulating the earth.

The WEF, which has ordered the mainstream media to begin pushing the narrative, wants to introduce an international policy that will require the majority of countries to decriminalize or at the very least relax their laws against pedophilia.

The New York Times, always at the forefront of the globalist agenda, ran an op-ed arguing that pedophilia is not a crime.

According to the Times, civil rights protections must be extended to pedophiles. “Without legal protection, a pedophile cannot risk seeking treatment or disclosing his status to anyone for support.”

Not to be outdone, CNN countered with an article proclaiming that pedophiles are not “monsters” or “social deviants living in the shadows.” According to CNN, it’s high-time for society to update its image of pedophiles.

CNN followed up this article with an even more explicit call for sympathy. Rather than considering child molesters the lowest of the low, we should reach out to them and seek to understand them, according to CNN because, they claim, “One cannot choose not to be a pedophile.”

The psychologist Jesse Bering, author of “Perv: The Sexual Deviant in All of Us,” also urges the reader to sympathize with child molesters, writing that people with pedophilia “aren’t living their lives in the closet; they’re eternally hunkered down in a panic room.”

Salon also got in on the act, urging us to meet pedophiles who mean well.

And the BBC, which famously spent decades covering up for Britain’s most notorious pedophile Jimmy Savile, also wants us to think positively about the new generation of pedophiles.

Make no mistake, a co-ordinated attempt is underway to present pedophilia as “harmless.”

What is going on? The media are presenting us with a classic case of the “Overton window.” According to the political scientist Joseph Overton, there is a window within which there are ideas considered “acceptable” by society, tolerated therefore even by those who do not share them. Ideas outside this window are considered “extremist” and not accepted in public debate.

From this Overton window idea, there has been a move to theorize how an idea that is currently radical can succeed in becoming accepted by society, or even become popular policy. It is a scale of perceptions, whereby one goes from seeing an idea as unthinkable, to seeing it as radical, then acceptable, then popular and, at that point, translated into practice by politics.

According to the global elite in Davos, it’s time for mainstream society to catch up with them and relax the outdated social taboo against pedophilia. And what better way to change society’s morals than by brainwashing the children?

Just this week, Klaus Schwab was caught bragging about how the World Economic Forum has completely infiltrated education systems in many countries. According to Schwab, if children are exposed to the WEF ideology at a young enough age, they can be completely indoctrinated.

They have infiltrated the schools, plotting a course straight at our children. And we already know they have infiltrated the cabinets.

Governments across the world, operating under the control of the World Economic Forum, are waging war on our children. Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders are systematically attempting to normalize pedophilia and decriminalize sex with children across the world.

This week in Jacinda Ardern’s far-left New Zealand, a judge declared that 12-year-old children can consent to sex with adults. You heard me correctly. The case in question featured a 45-year-old man whose defense centered on the claim that his 12-year-old victim “wanted it.” According to the middle-aged man, the 12-year-old girl pressured him for sex.

“I know she was a child but the way she came to me was like a mature woman. I refused her but she kept coming back to me. She truly wanted to do this,” the 45-year-old said of the child who was 12 at the time.

In the final days of the

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With all due respect, the Manson info and similar work has been “uncovered” by people like Miles Mathis for many years: http://mileswmathis.com/updates.html

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Agree but, there are always "newbies" that are unfamiliar with this :-))

Thanks for the link Ann.

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