Many people , in addition to Bourla , need to charged with fraud . I pray we see this come to fruition. 🙏

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Have you seen the Moderna and Pfizer Covid19 genetherapy - called "vaccine" - got final marketing authorisation in the EU?



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Re Bourla fraud. Fraud (or any other crime) that results in death is chargeable in most jurisdictions as homicide. Murder is harder to prove, but jails are full of negligent homicide convicts. A couple million counts of negligent homicide seems appropriate. Not my first choice, but it will do.

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I am so impressed by the European MEP press conference speakers. They are asking the right questions and speaking truth, which is completely the opposite of any government officials here in Canada!

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You must watch this full uninterrupted presentation former Blackrock exec, Ed Dowd, delivered on Oct 2. The fraud goes deep. He connects Covid with the coming global financial collapse. His thesis and data is pretty undeniable at this point.

Pls share far and wide!


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Having been permanently banned from Twitter months ago for writing the truth, I recently made a new account and am now back and reading about these brave MEPs, like Ivan Vilibir Sincic, Rob Roos, Cristian Terhes, and Christine Anderson demanding Albert Bourla answer questions about the contract but of course he does not even show up. Nothing has changed since I was banned. It's still the same outrage from the brave few and it's still business as usual with the liars and the snakes. I have so much admiration and respect for these MEPs. The fact they keep on going helps me keep on going too.

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Some people advocate retreat from twit. You never win by retreating. Apparently some don't want to win. Some even like losing. Our problems are all caused by too many people accepting losing. Sheep get slaughtered.

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"Pfizer admits during covid hearing that mRNA jabs were NEVER TESTED against transmission"

Everything about Covid has been a LIE........EVERYTHING. Because a "spirit(s) of fear" was released on earth most people bought this lie and a lot of people took the Clot Shots thinking they were protecting themselves. I knew in March 2020 Covid was a LIE. I had a huge check in my spirit. I KNEW Covid was and is being used for 3 reasons........1. To take Trump down so the Demonrats can cheat and insert Biden. 2. To get the majority of the population to take these Clot Shots to depopulate the earth and 3. For a one world government.

I am amazed at what COWARDS most Christians are. They follow man and do not walk in the power of God. As a Christian we are not to fear ANYTHING on this earth......even death , because death is VICTORY!!!.

I would advise everyone to get this book and give it to your Pastor because the Western Church is WEAK and COWARDLY. Eric Metaxas shows how the Christians during the 30s refused to speak out against Hitler and his politics and let 6 million Jews die. Just like the Christians today in America who refused to get involved in politics (and not vote) and let this evil Demonrat Party rule........

WAKE UP Christians and know you are being deceived by satan with these LIES!!!

Letter to the American Church

by Eric Metaxas


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Cheating is a problem, but usually irrelevant. The US problem isn't a bit of cheating on the fringes, by both sides (read Parallel Election), but half the population supports the socialists and their cheating. To them, it's not cheating if they get their preferred outcome. The dem agenda is an obvious failure on many fronts, and probably evil, yet half the country continues to support it. No society can survive that.

How will the rest of the world react to a collapse of American society, a stabilizing influence globally for nearly a century? We're seeing the results emerging in Europe now. We ain't seen nothing yet. Prepare for global collapse of civilization.

The End Times were predicted to last 1000 years. We have the technology now to do it much quicker.

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Oct 13, 2022
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Because Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

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Oct 14, 2022
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There are a lot of Christians who have no wisdom or discernment. They walk by the flesh and not by the Spirit.

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Oct 14, 2022
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Some are wolves and some are stupid Christians!

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