The final end times headline: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/is-the-covid-vaccine-the-mark-of

Guest post from The Two Witnesses Ministry

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This is a crazy amount of bad news. 🧐

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I forgot to mention the try to separate people from God.

“Amid the persecutions of Orthodox believers in Ukraine, however, [US officials] never criticized the destructive church policy of Zelensky. By their inaction, they apparently signal to their underlings that they approve of their lawless actions,”

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Clowns to the left of me Jokers to the right, and here I am stuck in the middle. The world has gone completely mad and run by psychopaths without conscious. What the hell is going on? First WWIII between NATO and Russia, and now both sides in preparation for a war with China. Do the reptilians want a nuclear holocaust while they wait in their bunkers and under their rocks for the radiation to dissipate?

We can’t expect government to calm down and help the planet as they are all selected as the elections are all a farce - US Brazil Chile as examples

Borders wide open to traffic children and drugs. WHO trying to control the world with the start of another pandemic.

Jokers to the left of me, clowns to the right.

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The BRICS currency is not totally gold backed, oil and other commodities are included in the mix. Which means that it will be subject to the same non capitalistic manipulations as the dollar. The manipulators are the only thing that will change. The song remains the same.

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