Dudas says the borders twix Poland and Ukraine are no longer....
Silence from El zel on statement
So apparently Poland has quietly announce d it has merged with Galicia that is west UKraine
Sure Russia is just thrilled since now they can openly bomb the Polish enemy that is supplying weapons to what used to be called UKraine and is now Poland
I read that Poland announced I read it yesterday
Dudas says the borders twix Poland and Ukraine are no longer....
Silence from El zel on statement
So apparently Poland has quietly announce d it has merged with Galicia that is west UKraine
Sure Russia is just thrilled since now they can openly bomb the Polish enemy that is supplying weapons to what used to be called UKraine and is now Poland
I'll cite source as another comment in minute
Southfront cited in the saker
vineyard of the saker news feed
All news non msm news
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