Wittgenstein Twitter awareness is quite keen!!!😀 !! On another note … Kardashians so astutely , can follow any money they can…Dispicable human beings.

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The "chemical imbalance" theory was refuted 2-3 years ago, so since then, "psychiatrists" have been operating without a working paradigm. Not that the paradigm itself worked. These "experts" have been abusing their power based on fraudulent "science" ever since the racket started...

Considering this, they are still wielding enough power to destroy people's health and lives.

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Fear is a great motivator for all too many of us, politicians know that and exploit it for their own personal gain. Do not live in fear, enjoy each day as a gift from God, and give thanks. Sound simple and it works.

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waiting for someone to seed the clouds over my garden... 1-800-GOT-RAIN?

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Water shortages aren't because of good weather, but because of bad government. We transport everything we need from where it is to where it's needed.

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Every thing is being hand watered in our garden right now. Time for the rain dance.

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whoops... the 1-800 is a real phone number ‘GO-TRAIN’

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Mate, this idea that is hot in Portugal is absurd. I've been through many hot summers here and this isn't it. If people are dying its not the heat alone.

If the argument is the fires, we have fires every year, every year, specially after a dry year.

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They could turn up the air conditioner but bad governments have wrecked the energy system. Those deaths aren't because of good weather but bad government.

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Happens every year since I can remember.

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