States have a strong financial interest in the vaccination of kids... Biden’s 3/2021 American Rescue Plan requires school districts to develop and implement a mitigation plan, including vaccination, in order to qualify for the third round of 2022 federal funding...
the most recent plan posted for my local elementary school district was for 2019 (nothing since) ... parents need to DEMAND that the school districts post current, updated plans in their entirety online as well as the consequent financial incentives...
to ease compliance, states are stealthily amending current laws to mandate for kids... California pending state senate bill SB 871 which amends existing child vaccination law for (1) adds Covid vax as required (2) Hep B vax required (previously optional) (3) ELIMINATION of ALL EXEMPTIONS including MEDICAL & BELIEF (4) corrects for uni-sex pronouns.
this is not over, this is not going away... it’s just gone underground for the moment
MSM bought and paid for
States have a strong financial interest in the vaccination of kids... Biden’s 3/2021 American Rescue Plan requires school districts to develop and implement a mitigation plan, including vaccination, in order to qualify for the third round of 2022 federal funding...
the most recent plan posted for my local elementary school district was for 2019 (nothing since) ... parents need to DEMAND that the school districts post current, updated plans in their entirety online as well as the consequent financial incentives...
to ease compliance, states are stealthily amending current laws to mandate for kids... California pending state senate bill SB 871 which amends existing child vaccination law for (1) adds Covid vax as required (2) Hep B vax required (previously optional) (3) ELIMINATION of ALL EXEMPTIONS including MEDICAL & BELIEF (4) corrects for uni-sex pronouns.
this is not over, this is not going away... it’s just gone underground for the moment