What was the entire top Wagner command doing on a plane in the most dangerous airspace they could possibly be in the entire world, like sitting ducks? That seems to be the question of the hour but no one is asking it--well, I am. I'd like to know how, in the space of a day (since Prigozhin made his video from "somewhere in Africa" the day before), Prigozhin got from Africa to that plane and why. What could possibly convince an old wardog like him to do that? https://open.substack.com/pub/khmezek/p/breaking-news-yevgeny-prigozhin-the
Stand for Health Freedom believes that wearing a mask should be an individual’s choice. Mandatory mask policies are an insult to Constitutional rights. Let your voice be heard. Contact your state legislators and tell them no mandatory masks, we will not comply.
From the article about the Norwegian man locked up in a psych ward for questioning the mRNA biochemical poison and military countermeasure (because the world according to the pathocratic rulers has too many humans):
“But then again, I am beginning to ask myself if we are actually still living in a democracy.”
The author seems a little bit late to the reality party if he or she is only “beginning to ask”.
The masses have better get it through their collective head pretty soon that they/we live in a pathocracy ruled by criminals, ie those who don’t blink an eye at committing crimes against humanity.
On the OMG Covid is coming around again and we must start wearing masks again saga, the CDC just held a meeting and only one person was wearing a mask. Just like when we little people were told that we had to isolate lots of the elite were holding huge parties and dinners. If something is that serious then there shouldn’t be 2 sets of rules.
It’s not that serious. This is all about depop and stripping rights using the WHO treaty, WEF new world leaders penetrating democratic sovereign countries, and the UN military and Luciferian religious cult,
to usher in the NEW world ORDER - which will be zero rights for thee, and all for me (the elites)
The elephant in the room which is the number one threat to this country was not dealt with by either the candidates or the press interviewing them.. And that is the unbridled medical tyranny we all have been subjected to in the last three years. The idea that allopathic medicine practitioners and public health officials have been granted a monopoly to proclaim only their theories are correct is an affront to the Constitution. Did any of the candidates speak up about the millions who have either been injured or killed by the deadly mRNA injection? Or all those fired for refusing to be jabbed? Did anyone call for an investigation into the fraud committed by the CDC in regard to the statistical manipulation that made people believe there was an actual pandemic? And what about social media colluding with the Biden administration to censor anyone who disagrees with their Covid narrative?Clearly these people need to be held accountable.
What was the entire top Wagner command doing on a plane in the most dangerous airspace they could possibly be in the entire world, like sitting ducks? That seems to be the question of the hour but no one is asking it--well, I am. I'd like to know how, in the space of a day (since Prigozhin made his video from "somewhere in Africa" the day before), Prigozhin got from Africa to that plane and why. What could possibly convince an old wardog like him to do that? https://open.substack.com/pub/khmezek/p/breaking-news-yevgeny-prigozhin-the
EXACTLY what I was thinking!!
Stand for Health Freedom believes that wearing a mask should be an individual’s choice. Mandatory mask policies are an insult to Constitutional rights. Let your voice be heard. Contact your state legislators and tell them no mandatory masks, we will not comply.
Norway LOCKED man in psychiatric ward for questioning mRNA shots and Jordan Peterson story:
... see also "Soviet psychiatric prisons" (y'know... questioning the "success" of communism) and "Soviet Show trails."
See also "Trump Arrested for Jaywalking 25 Years Ago, While Felon Hunter Skates, and Hilary Destroys 30,000 Emails and Nuthin' Done"
THAT’S how you KNOW satan is the prince of this world. The veneer of fake justice is being exposed in ALL agencies WORLDWIDE.
Of course satan would place himself in nexus of authority in DC., UN, WHO, WEF , EU
Keep your eyes on The King - Jeshua . He promised He would never forsake you!
Book of Revelation is unfolding before our eyes.
Good news is we KNOW the ending ! “It is Finished” said Jeshua.
Satans end is nigh.
What a Cornucopia!!! Have to pick & choose, no time to digest it all at one sitting. :-( for me.
All the Best.
From the article about the Norwegian man locked up in a psych ward for questioning the mRNA biochemical poison and military countermeasure (because the world according to the pathocratic rulers has too many humans):
“But then again, I am beginning to ask myself if we are actually still living in a democracy.”
The author seems a little bit late to the reality party if he or she is only “beginning to ask”.
The masses have better get it through their collective head pretty soon that they/we live in a pathocracy ruled by criminals, ie those who don’t blink an eye at committing crimes against humanity.
Pathocracy? See https://www.systemsthinker.com/interests/systemsthinking/humansystems/pathocracy.shtml
Some have been sleep walking for a long time, and are now just coming out of their hypnotic state.
We need to celebrate that they are waking up .
True. I need to be more “silver linings” oriented than “dark clouds” oriented. Thanks for the reminder, chris.
On the OMG Covid is coming around again and we must start wearing masks again saga, the CDC just held a meeting and only one person was wearing a mask. Just like when we little people were told that we had to isolate lots of the elite were holding huge parties and dinners. If something is that serious then there shouldn’t be 2 sets of rules.
There never was anything serious!
It’s not that serious. This is all about depop and stripping rights using the WHO treaty, WEF new world leaders penetrating democratic sovereign countries, and the UN military and Luciferian religious cult,
to usher in the NEW world ORDER - which will be zero rights for thee, and all for me (the elites)
The elephant in the room which is the number one threat to this country was not dealt with by either the candidates or the press interviewing them.. And that is the unbridled medical tyranny we all have been subjected to in the last three years. The idea that allopathic medicine practitioners and public health officials have been granted a monopoly to proclaim only their theories are correct is an affront to the Constitution. Did any of the candidates speak up about the millions who have either been injured or killed by the deadly mRNA injection? Or all those fired for refusing to be jabbed? Did anyone call for an investigation into the fraud committed by the CDC in regard to the statistical manipulation that made people believe there was an actual pandemic? And what about social media colluding with the Biden administration to censor anyone who disagrees with their Covid narrative?Clearly these people need to be held accountable.
Listen to Turfseer’s hit song THE SCAM. Penny Lane meets medical tyranny. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-scam