GOD bless you Dr. Coleman for being a committed TRUTH Warrior. Your Courage inspires me ...

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Pardon, it's the Ladsons. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_H._Ladson

They have altered it yet again, as it is necessary to cover up her heritage. They minimized the clear slave trading past with a simple "He belonged to one of South Carolina's most prominent planter and merchant families, that had played a major role in the colonization of Carolina <b>and the slave trade in the Thirteen Colonies</b>. He was the son of former Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina James Ladson and Judith Smith, and descended from many former British colonial governors." but also still there is <b>"Among Ladson's descendants is Ursula von der Leyen, who briefly lived under the alias Rose Ladson."</b>

Previously, they described the truth of the family as the largest slave traders in SC - probably on par with the Cabots, who were from MA but owned many of the slave ships.

But she so loves her heritage, that she actually used the name!! And we are supposed to respect this slut?

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von der Lyin's family history is scrubbed on wiki-lies as she has heritage from American (South Carolina) slave trading family Ladsen, the largest slave trader in SC in the 1700's. She had it scrubbed from her page, but if you look up the Ladsen family they (last I checked months ago) still had her listed as a descendant. The mental dna of that family is pure self-proclaimed superiority, and she proudly displays her ancestors' ignorance perfectly! Obvious why she was chosen!

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Why are we moving Red en masse and what is at stake?


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