your collections are always a good read, even if they mostly cause the same gut reactions as watching morning news on tv (which I ceased doing many years ago.)

I appreciate your work collecting and sharing.

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As a Christian for 40 years now I have never seen headlines like this. We truly are in the last days and we Christians must prepare for persecution. Many Christians think they will be raptured out before the anti Christ is on the scene but I'm not so sure. There is only one scripture that points to the pre-trib rapture and that is 2 Thessalonians 2:7. I hope the pre-trib rapture happens but I feel we must prepare for persecution like never before.

The "Great Falling Away" has started. This fake virus Covid has exposed a lot of pastors and Christians for the frauds they are. Closing their Churches, masking up and social distancing are ALL un-scriptural and should have NEVER happened. Christians feared man more than God and disobeyed Him by adhering to these un-scriptural practices.

Look up true Christians our redemption draws near!!!

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Who says experiments have stopped? What are most people have experienced now?

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