Shite, I got a six day suspension from facebook for sharing the graphene oxide and blood cells story from the Expose. Something in there upset them greatly.
Shite, I got a six day suspension from facebook for sharing the graphene oxide and blood cells story from the Expose. Something in there upset them greatly.
I had 1800 friends on FB and I hardly had any interaction on any of these types of shares. Brain dead and looking for smiley entertainment I suppose. When my first warning came along I quit. Since I'm no longer a participant, I can't open any links posted there. Good riddance.
Anything to do with the Truth gets them really upset. I haven't got a 30 day stint in jail yet but it's certainly on the cards because I won't stay quiet when BS is happening.
Shite, I got a six day suspension from facebook for sharing the graphene oxide and blood cells story from the Expose. Something in there upset them greatly.
I had 1800 friends on FB and I hardly had any interaction on any of these types of shares. Brain dead and looking for smiley entertainment I suppose. When my first warning came along I quit. Since I'm no longer a participant, I can't open any links posted there. Good riddance.
The truth upsets them.
I am currently working out 30 days suspension Can't remember what upset them.
Anything to do with the Truth gets them really upset. I haven't got a 30 day stint in jail yet but it's certainly on the cards because I won't stay quiet when BS is happening.
I am glad I am not the only rebel!! I can't help it, they
have no right to tell me what I can and cannot say.
They were financed by the DOD...they can take their book and shove it.
I don't miss it.