Calling a spade a spade, the sabotage of the undersea pipeline by the United States was an overt act of terrorism which the countries of Western Europe and Russia could rightfully declare to be "an act of war."

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The enemy within is busy destroying America. It includes people, drugs, and young children freely crossing our southern border. Big money to be made doing all of this. Our souther border is the Trojan Horse that will eventually lead to our demise in more ways than one.

Our politicians and other public officials deserve our scorn from their corruption and inaction.

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The train by Detroit didn’t spill from what I heard from folks that live by there .

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A town name change from Palestine to Bidenville will get the area leaned up and it just occurred t o me South Africa is to protect the flank.

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Thank you Karen for your work. I continue to spread you word via social media and conversations with friends and family. I am hopeful enough people will see through the fog and a tipping point reached where the demons of the nwo will be eliminated and humanity with the guidance of God returns to this paradise on earth.

Our Father says it all

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Honestly can't keep up with the insane news these days. I look forward to reading your news updates (well, look forward to is not exactly the right term, but you know what I mean!) Thanks for posting my latest essay, Killer Robots, Video Games & Artificial Womb. It all blows my mind.

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Thank you for your excellent work! ❤️

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