I followed links from one of the articles posted here and read about how Pearl Harbor was a false flag attack and it details how so many people in the Roosevelt administration knew that it would happen and yet failed to warn the generals in Pearl Harbor about it and even worse was the cover up that happened afterwards. It was a whitewash job just like the 9/11 commission was as well as the Kennedy one. Anyway thanks for posting the articles that you do.


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The Ukraine war is an ongoing crime against humanity. Possibly 500,000 dead on the Ukraine side from counting fresh graves and from videos of graveyards. 40,000 dead on the Russia side. The number of wounded to deaths is considered 3 to 1 and if true that means over 1 million Ukrainians have been wounded. Math isn’t my strong suit so correct me if I’m wrong.


And just like the numerous California mega fires that have been caused by PG&E not keeping their power lines safe the power company in Maui Was told to shut off the power before the fires started. I have long believed that the mega fires were deliberately caused in order to drive people out of the wilderness and into cities. The droughts have been rigged too to keep farmers from growing crops and to drive them into bankruptcy so that foreign countries can buy their land for pennies on the dollar. Funny how the west just got a huge amount of rain last winter that also wiped out farms and kept crops from being planted. Hey yesterday I watched 20 planes crisscross the sky and spraying whatever it is that they spray and then the sky clouded over.

I hope we figure out what we can stop these attacks on us. We better hurry.

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Thanks for all the summaries! The Maui issues? Who lives on Maui? Ed Down... Just saying.

This really needs investigation:

'Whistleblower Karen Kingston Flees U.S. Claiming Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Advisor Dr. Robert Malone Ordered a CIA Assassination of Her'

Malone was fishy to me, from very begin, maybe it is just me? RF Kennedy made HISTORICAL comments in congress recently, and now is associated with a criminal and it is all over the news..??

Boy, who is not fishy these days?

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