WHO's Tedros says COVID remains a global health emergency.
WHO recommends return to face masks as Director-General says Covid pandemic 'nowhere near over'
Director of the World Health Organisation warns case numbers are continuing to climb, putting pressure on health services worldwide
…Acknowledging several "interlinked challenges" the committee stated how reduced testing made it increasingly difficult to monitor the spread of variants and how measures are reducing these.
He encouraged governments to "review and adjust" their Covid-19 protocol and response plans, in accordance with current epidemiology.
Earlier on Tuesday, the WHO's European office recommended a second booster shot of a Covid vaccine for older individual and vulnerable groups, in order to curb rising infections….
The Plan of the WHO Revealed by the Insider: 10 Years of Pandemics, From 2020 to 2030
We Can’t Just “Put This Pandemic Behind Us” Dr Fauci Warns
The Biden Regime is pushing the Covid narrative full force again as we head into the midterm elections.
On Tuesday, Dr Fauci, The presidents chief medical adviser said we can’t just put the Covid pandemic behind us: “Everybody wants to put this pandemic behind us, and feel and hope that it doesn’t exist. It does”
EXCLUSIVE 'Sex is NOT limited to male or female': Fury over new World Health Organization gender guidance which 'dismisses basic biology'
The WHO, an international authority on all things health, said it was 'going beyond' the use of binary terms to 'recognise gender and sexual diversity'.
But experts called the move a 'dismissal of basic biology' and could lead to medical advice being de-sexed and over-complicated.
Experts today criticised new woke World Health Organization guidance hinting at there being more than two sexes as 'unscientific' and that it could open the door to language changes that will disadvantage women and girls
John Bolton admits to planning foreign coups
The former senior White House official said overthrowing governments takes ‘a lot of work’
Former US National Security Advisor John Bolton took credit for attempting to oust foreign leaders, claiming he played a role in prior regime change efforts while suggesting ex-President Donald Trump lacked the foresight to carry out his own putsch at home.
Speaking to CNN’s Jake Tapper following Tuesday’s congressional hearing into the January 6 riot, Bolton insisted the former commander in chief could not have pulled off a “carefully planned coup d'etat,” as “that’s not the way Donald Trump does things.”
NATO takes in two new members in “deal” with Turkey as alliance continues posturing to launch WWIII
(Natural News) Truth be told, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) alliance should have disbanded in the early 1990s after the Russia-led Warsaw Pact dissolved following the collapse of the Soviet Union.
But it didn’t because it isn’t really a “security” alliance as much as it is a globalist entity hell-bent on spreading Western-style imperialism to every part of the globe.
Russian President Vladimir Putin will travel to Tehran on July 19 for a Syria summit with his Iranian counterpart Ebrahim Raisi and Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Kremlin announced Tuesday.
“The president’s visit to Tehran is being planned for July 19,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. He said the trio would meet for peace talks on Syria.
Russia, Turkey and Iran have in recent years been holding talks on Syria as part of the so-called “Astana peace process” to end more than 11 years of conflict in the Middle Eastern country.
Hong Kong unveils Covid quarantine bracelets
The tracking devices will be mandatory for those who contract the coronavirus and choose to isolate at home
Hong Kong is set to introduce electronic tracking bracelets for citizens who decide to quarantine at home after testing positive for Covid-19, its health chief announced. Violators of the isolation rules face hefty fines and possibly even jail time.
The territory’s Secretary for Health Lo Chung-mau announced the move during a Monday press briefing, saying the bracelets are meant to stop infected people from spreading the illness further and will operate on the ‘Leave Home Safe’ app rolled out last year.
The World Braces For Europe's July 22 "Doomsday"
Two weeks ago, when previewing the scheduled 10-day shutdown of the Nord Stream 1 pipeline - which supplies the bulk of European nat gas usage courtesy of Russia - for maintenance, we quoted from DB FX strategist George Saravelos that if the gas shutoff is not resolved in coming weeks this would lead to a broadening out of energy disruption with material upfront effects on economic growth, and of course much higher inflation, or as he puts it, "beyond the market's worries about slower global growth in recent months, what is unfolding in Europe in recent days is a fresh big negative supply shock."
Trudeau’s nitrogen policy will decimate Canadian farming
In December 2020, the Trudeau government unveiled their new climate plan, with a focus on reducing nitrous oxide emissions from fertilizer by 30% below 2020 levels by 2030.
“Fertilizers play a major role in the agriculture sector’s success and have contributed to record harvests in the last decade. They have helped drive increases in Canadian crop yields, grain sales, and exports,” a news release from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada reads.
Dutch politician Thierry Baudet says the green policies being protested by farmers are part of the Netherlands' commitment to the WEF's Great Reset agenda.

UK farms left with tons of unpicked food thanks to Brexit-related seasonal visa processing issues
(Natural News) Countless crops are going unpicked in the UK as a Brexit-induced shortage of workers continues. Millions of pounds have been lost as a result, driving up food inflation by as much as 20 percent, the agriculture sector reports.
A shortfall in the total number of visas and delays in processing post-Brexit seasonal working visas by the Home Office are being compounded by the Ukraine war, which has blocked a major source of UK farm workers. Last year, more than 60 percent of people who entered the country on a seasonal visa came from the Ukraine, while 8 percent hailed from Russia. Workers from both countries are no longer available, adding to the woes of British farmers.
The World Economic Forum Vows to Buy Up Dutch Farmers’ Lands
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has revealed plans to buy up land left by Dutch farmers who are being put out of business by the global elite.
Prime Minister Mark Rutte is one of the WEF’s Young Global leaders and has vowed to help usher in ‘The Great Reset”
The WEF Great Reset global leaders are rushing to implement their sinister agenda because the plan is to have everything in place 2030 – Agenda 2030.
The Trains Could Stop Running In The United States Literally One Week From Now
Did you know that an absolutely crippling national railroad strike could potentially start on July 18th? If this actually happens, the historic supply chain crisis that we are experiencing right now will rapidly become far worse. Each year, trains in the United States transport approximately “1.7 billion tons of raw materials and finished goods” to their ultimate destinations. If that suddenly stops happening, our economy goes into the toilet.
LoanDepot To Fire Another 2,000 Workers As Mortgage Market Implodes
It's only appropriate that one day after we reported that the "Housing Market Craters As Sales Get Canceled At The Highest Rate On Record" that the Biden housing crash claimed its latest victim, or rather 2,000 victims, as mortgage lender LoanDepot announced it would would fire another 2,000 staff by the end of the year as the company downsizes “to align with rapidly changing market conditions.” The latest round of layoffs is part of the company's plan to reduce staff to 6,500 by the end of 2022.
The company, which had 11,300 employees at the end of 2021, has already cut 2,800 jobs this year, and expects to cut another 2,000 jobs to end 2022 with about 6,500 employees.
Beijing Scraps China's First COVID Vaccine Mandate In Just 48 Hours After Furious Social Response
On paper, the US is the land of the free and home of the brave, while China is a tyrannical, authoritarian state where individuals have no rights and where the political oligarchy always gets its way. In reality, it's usually the opposite, especially when the people remember they are not snowflakes.
As Bloomberg reports, last week, Beijing's city leadership rolled out China's first Covid-19 vaccine mandate last week. The policy made boosters mandatory for some professions, while entry to busy public venues like movie theaters and gyms was restricted to the vaccinated. Unlike Europe and the US where such mandates are now a way of life as the population is too terrified to oppose the state, in Beijing the public reacted far less snowflakily, with many residents turning to social media to declare the mandate an illegal usurpation of their rights. Beijing's response was just as quick: Less than 48 hours after announcing the policy, the city government rescinded it.
CDC Director: "My message is simple: It is essential that these Americans get their second booster shot right away."

Ready for the BIG KILL
Make no mistake about it. Jabs and masks are coming back big time. There’s a lot of killing yet to be done
Judge rules doctors can require patient to receive Covid shot before life-saving transplant
ALBERTA: An Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench judge has ruled that the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms does not apply to the decision of an organ transplant team, which requires candidates to be vaccinated for Covid prior to their organ transplant. The Justice Centre represents Sheila Annette Lewis, who has idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, a terminal condition. She brought an application in the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench asking that the court uphold her Charter-protected right to conscience, bodily autonomy, and freedom to choose without coercion.
This case is under a publication ban. Due to a Court Order, the Justice Centre may not reveal the names of the doctors, the hospital, the city where the transplant program is located, nor the name of the organ that Ms. Lewis needs for life-saving surgery.
The ‘Moloch 20’: Firms Who’ve Vowed to Help Employees Get Abortions
Update: Make it the Moloch 21. According to the Washington Examiner, retail grocery giant Kroger said "employees at the stores can reportedly receive up to $4,000 in coverage for healthcare and travel for reproductive services, which includes abortion."
With the left completely melting down over Roe v. Wade, woke corporations have found a new way to virtue signal: Abortion access as a fringe benefit.
MRC Culture is keeping a running tally of companies offering to help employees from states where abortion is illegal to travel to murder their children.
Canadian Parliament To Resume Study On Facial Recognition Use After Summer Break
The Canadian Parliament is taking a break for the summer on studying the issue of facial recognition in society. Considering the vast privacy implications, this isn’t a topic to be decided lightly.
There have been 8 briefs submitted for public viewing, and some 33 witnesses have been scheduled to appear before the House of Commons. There has been overlap in the concerns, particularly around what sort of safeguards would be in place to prevent misuse and abuse of this technology.
Now they are warning that the latest omicron variants can spread more easily outdoors; prior infections provide less immunity
As Omicron cases are sweeping the nation, some experts are warning that being outdoors may not provide as much protection as before. Dr. Mallika Marshall explains:
Omicron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5 are highly transmissible, some say as transmissible as measles, which is considered the most infectious viral illness in humans.
With previous coronavirus variants, like alpha and delta, being outdoors provided good protection against infection, but with the newest Omicron subvariants, being at an outdoor event could be somewhat risky.
"WHO recommends return to face masks as Director-General says Covid pandemic 'nowhere near over'"
I have never worn a face diaper during this lie called Covid and will NEVER wear one. In my eyes NO Christian should be wearing these masks because you are disobeying the Word of God i.e. "God has not given us a spirit of fear, no weapon formed against you shall prosper, lay hands on the sick and they shall recover", etc, etc, etc.
How Masks Make You Sick Instead of Protecting You
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
July 12, 2022
"Unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened."