The devil's posse is bigger than we ever imagined...... trade unions though....that's disgusting......our union dues are supporting this...... think about that for minute.......


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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Thx lioness, the end of times is fast approaching. In previous post Aldi to sell insects. I queried it citing articles on enhancing cancer, and auto immune disorders. Aldi replied saying they have no intention of selling insects. 💪

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For those who do not try to mitigate the Great Reset, they will have the Great Regret. Stop complying and all of this goes away, such a simple solution.

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Russia can mitigate any potential false flags by stating clearly that it will NOT initiate the use any weapon of mass destruction AND it will warn the parties before any use.

Since the Russian borders are under 24/7 surveillance by USA, NATO and Israel, any use by Russia would be detected.

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