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Apparently fragmentation is part of the plan.

The globally connected status quo is fractured into regional blocs. A CBDC will be used in each, for whatever pretext they come up with. Then they are merged into a global CBDC as the blocs unite when the time is right. But the preparation is done in a nonthreatening way, certainly not by a 'one world government' - that would be a conspiracy theory! Either way, CBDC's = Smartphone tracking (mandated) & Surveillance grid, be it regional or global. Digital prisons, as some in China recently learned when the traffic light on their phone App turned red, as they tried to go and protest something or other.

And for fragmentation, what is better than a phony-proxy war?

We're right on the cusp of 1984 territory.

There was always going to be a transition step between here & their endgame. Something forced the effete's hand with C19 starting early. There is more in the environmental/energy tank than they want us to believe, so that wouldn't be it. So it is probably the simple truth the economic charades couldn't go forever. Markets have been propped up "weekend at Bernie's" style since the GFC. Even that was wearing thin. Late in 2018 the US UnFederal NonReserve tried tapering the slightest, and the market just about had a stroke. Between GFC and recent years, almost all growth in the markets can be attributed to the splashing around of vast sums of free money. It wasn't real growth.

A year later, in 2019 = COVID! The agenda goes way back, as do the books and patents.

And the next "enemy of the people" after Russia/Putin will be climate vandals. Not the real ones but simply people trying to live in harmony with nature, away from the grid. People who want to be left alone. And the frothing masses will cheer the authorities, as they did while we were driven from our jobs and homes for refusing to take a bioweapon.

Based on our performance so far, I fear we'll need to depend on the effete's arrogance and general stupidity to see their plans collapse in a stinking pile around them. Their goals far exceed their reach, and they don't know their own limitations.

But how many innocents will neo-Bolsheviks 2.0 take with them?

It is ironic. We have exquisitely trained CT forces, deployed against cavemen posing no threat. The real terrorists live at known addresses in our own countries, and we know their faces. You wouldn't even need CT training to plink at these jokers.

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Well said. Can't really think of much to add as you covered the bases quite well. I certainly hope and pray they are the 'gang that couldn't shoot straight' in regard to all of this fuckery they are involved with. When you look at the idiots they use for foot soldiers in implementing their grand plan, it gives doubt to a reasoning mind they could pull it off.

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