So Klaus is recruiting an army of trolls. Sad to think there are that many useful idiots, but we see evidence of them every day. The world is full of them. We've been fortunate, so far, to not see many jerks here on substack. I've seen a few suspects appear, but if they're ignored or appropriately rebutted, they usually disappear. That will probably change as elections approach. Internet trolls are like spam email or phone calls -- a nuisance but we learn to filter them. I would be happy to see more of them here. Maybe they'll learn something.

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I've actually been in a small plane that barely moved because of headwind... but I just listened to Dr. Robert Young and I now understand Terrain Theory WAY better, it totally makes sense... once he explained how full of germs our bodies always have - crazy amount of bacteria, but it's the environment that triggers sickness most of the time. But that in surgery, cleanliness and germs are the big risk.

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A small plane flying into a strong headwind can appear to not move.

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TNI (Trusted News Initiative) update: yesterday on Mad Money Jim Cramer commenting on Moderna that CEO Bancil ‘saved half the world’ and Pfizer CEO Bourla saved the other half… you can’t make this stuff up! 😹

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Hi Lioness

Have a story you could look into. I was on a adverse reactions to the vaccine FB group that got shut down of course when it got too big. However whilst on their I spoke to some Australian horse owners. They each told the story about the Hendra virus for horses. When it came out horse owners were told they had to get their horses vaccinated. If the horses were in shows they had to show that the horse had been vaccinated - like a vaccine passport. Anyhow by the 5th and 6th shot many of the horses died or had adverse side affects. There is a class action against the Vaccine maker Zoetis which is a subsidiary of Pfizer.

Kind Regards


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very interesting… Zoetis was spun off from Pfizer a few years ago

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