According to Paul Craig Roberts, this so called conflict should have been over in a couple weeks. Can someone prove to me that this conflict is not staged by those that were born out of satans ass?

Every move or non move that Putin has run is just making it go on indefinitely. I am damn near convinced that Putin and Zelensky are working for the same scumbag maggot filth rat bastards.

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From the Martial Law article:

"The architects of the police state have us exactly where they want us: under their stamping boot, gasping for breath, desperate for freedom, grappling for some semblance of a future that does not resemble the totalitarian prison being erected around us."

And it’s not just the American government that has placed us under martial law, but it’s the unseen people who are trying to place the whole world under it and take away any freedoms that are still standing. I think it’s just the 2nd amendment that hasn’t been dismantled, but congress is working on that.

We cannot vote our way out of this mess because we never voted for it in the first place, but we have been voting for the people who have abdicated their duties to We the People. I wish I knew what we could do to take back our country peacefully, but alas I don’t.

This ties into the essay from Mike Yeadon too because every person in government knew that the Covid scam was just that. A scam. And that includes Donald Trump. Anyone who thinks that he will stop this slide into totalitarianism are refusing to see how he helped start it.

Thanks so much for including the essay!

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That compilation was almost overwhelming. They will only win if good people do nothing!

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The Feral Soopreme Courtesans just Decreed that State Legislatures are not the final arbiters of elections, but State Judicial, lawyers in dirty black robes, are Now seniors to the representative legislatures. Judicial Tyranny as Decreed by Judicial Edict, erasing the written Constitution = post constitutional Demoncrazy, USSA.

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"EU to consider whether Sun's rays can be blocked – Bloomberg": With massive, destructive geoengineering efforts already quite visible by simply looking up at the skies (let alone feeling the intensified UV rays), they are going to consider whether the sun's rays can be blocked? Huh?

They don't dare, I suppose, call it what it already is, weather warfare.

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When you understand what motivated the descent by Wagner, you realise it was nothing more than a contract dispute. Find out what the whole “mutiny” was about by listening to RFK jr interview with Scot Ritter. I’ll go out on a limb and suggest it was similar to some Australian battalions “jacking up” towards the end of WW1 on the Western Front (I’m using this example because I’m a former Aussie digger) The reason for the Aussie ‘mutiny’ was that the particular battalions had suffered huge casualties and had lost the ability to form as effective units, thus diggers were all set to be dispersed into other battalions. This would mean the loss of their original unit identity. As a former digger, I completely understand why they jacked up! One’s unit identity is a very strong and deep feeling of belonging. Anyway, the Wagner Unit, because of a Russian legal requirement relating to military contractors (we used to call them mercenaries) could not continue as a unit in Russian territory. Some Wagner troops understandably were aggrieved by this, and took things too far. Listen to the interview and learn more … https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwixvNSR2uT_AhUISWwGHborCqIQFnoECBUQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fpodcasts.apple.com%2Fus%2Fpodcast%2Fputins-wagner-crisis-with-scott-ritter%2Fid1552000243%3Fi%3D1000618260628&usg=AOvVaw2LHk3lamMvsrPfh8Er3Vlk&opi=89978449

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